20 ✧ A New Haircut

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It was Mia. My eyes scan the post over and over and over again trying to process what I was reading. "Why would she?" My voice breaks as I direct my gaze towards Elijah.

"I really don't know. And to think all this actually started with a phone. Just know I'm with you okay? It's not your fault and you had a reason. F/N is with us too. I think she's absent today so we can talk about it collectively at lunch." Elijah shuts off his phone as he starts to pack up. "You should get back to your desk."

"Yeah. Oh I also have some explaining to do so I'll tell you that in a couple minutes." I whisper trudging myself back to my desk.

Alastor goes to say something but I cut him off. "Please just don't. Not right now." The emotional rollercoaster I've been through for the past two days is wild. With the nightmare, this morning and now this. I don't know if today can get any worse.

"I packed your stuff up while you were speaking with, I think it was, Elijah." Alastor speaks up as he gets up grabbing my bag and tossing it over his shoulder.

"You don't have to carry my stuff." I stand up and add, "I'll explain when we get to lunch, sorry for snapping."

"No need dear. Let's get going, shall we?" He was still smiling.

"Do you still plan on smiling all the time?" I chuckle as we meet a questioning Elijah by the door, "He's part of my explaining." The three of us walk out the door.

"It's a pleasure to formally meet again, Elijah!" Alastor holds his hand out, "I do believe this was overdue and I do also apologize for the small scare in the forest!" He chuckles.

"Wait a minutes..." the gears turn in the living boys head, "You're-" He turned his head towards me, "You do realize-"

"Before you ask, he's been pestering me non stop since my birthday. I've tried to get rid of him but nothing works." I justify myself.


"Dear, does he ever stop talking?"

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?"

"Are you scatterbrained or just brainless?" The demon retorts.

The two boys banter before I cut them off. "Hey, both of you! Let's not start an argument because I have enough to deal with right now. Elijah, don't be stupid, Al, don't be rude."

"If you insist dear." I start walking again when they start giving glares.

"Ah, I see that." I snap.

F/N was sitting at the table when we finally get there, "sorry for keeping you. Two people wouldn't shut up." I sit down.

"Are you sure you can't just like spray him with holy water?" Elijah scoffs.

"Holy water! Ha you're funny. Don't forget-"

"Hey, what did I say?" I remind the two.

"No need for reminders! I do have to go I'm afraid something has come up! Farewell darling!" And with that he poofs away.

"What just actually happened?" Elijah blanks.

"I don't even question it anymore, let's get going. F/N's probably waiting and we need to talk about that post."

"Sorry we're late, something happened. Do you know why she would post that?" Questioning F/N as the two of us sit down.

"No. I don't know why she'd post that. You had a good reason to not go back there. I've tried to reason with her but she won't listen. What she said was uncalled for. I do have some good and bad news about it though. Teachers have been notified and it got taken down. Bad news, the whole school has already seen it and hates your guts."

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