The New Beginning

Start from the beginning

Roseanne interjected softly, "Jungkook, your presence brings light to this castle. It would pain me to see you leave. So, please...consider Sir Anthony's suggestion. It's the best we can do for you if you don't want to live here in the castle."

Touched by their sincerity, he relented, "Okay, then...I'll accept this kindness with gratitude. Thank you, Rosie. Thank you, Sir Anthony."

Thus, in the Kingdom of Eudaemonia, under Princess Roseanne's benevolent rule, Jungkook found not just acceptance but a place where his loyalty and friendship were cherished, a testament to the enduring spirit of compassion and inclusion.


As days turned into weeks, and a month had passed since Jungkook's acceptance into the realm as a regular subject, his efforts to aid the townspeople persisted. Despite the absence of his former remarkable abilities, his willingness to assist and his infectious joy endeared him to the children and garnered admiration from the people wherever he roamed.

One sunlit morning, Roseanne set forth from her castle on horseback, her noble spirit inclined to connect with her subjects beyond the palace walls. Along her journey through the cobblestone streets, she noticed a group of young girls gathered near a quaint house near the hill.

As she drew closer, she discerned Jungkook engaged in earnest work, assisting the house owner, a skilled carpenter of the kingdom, in cutting woods. The girls, upon noticing the queen's arrival, bowed respectfully. The royal guards accompanying Roseanne urged the girls to disperse, creating space around the area.

Once the crowd had thinned, Roseanne dismounted her horse and approached Jungkook, who was focused on the task at hand.

"Jungkook.", she called out softly, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Jungkook looked up, surprised and yet visibly pleased by her presence. "Rosie.", he greeted, setting aside his tools. "What brings you here?", he asked as he invited her to sit at the wooden stools.

"I wanted to see the people and check on their well-being," she replied, casting a glance around the bustling neighborhood. "And then, I see you here.", she smiled as she sat beside him.

Jungkook chuckled modestly, "Just doing what I can to help actually. Mr Miller here needed assistance with the woods so I came to help him."

Roseanne nodded as she looked at his dusty arm, "I can see that." Slowly, she picked away a wood splinter that was on his bare shoulder, "You should be more careful."

He looked at the tiny wood in her hand before looking at his own sweaty and dust-covered arms, "Oh, right. My hands are all dirty."

Her gaze fixated on him, filled with incredulity with his reply. As he stood up and walked to the area he was working on, she looked at him from top to bottom. The white sleeveless tunic and grey long pants he was wearing were now losing their colour as if he had worn them for days without changing.

"Good morning, Your Majesty.", the carpenter, Tom Miller, approached them with a tray filled with wooden tumbler and two cups. "I am honored to have a chance to meet you, Your Majesty. Thank you for visiting my little home.", he said as he bowed down to Roseanne.

She nodded before smiling to the carpenter, "Mr Miller, good morning."

"Oh, please have some berry tea, Your Majesty. It's my daughter's specialty.", he said as he poured a cup for her and Jungkook.

"You should try it, Grace's tea is different from the usual you've had before. I'm sure you will like it.", Jungkook thanked Mr Miller, he took one of the towels at the working area back to the stool.

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