Liam smiled wider. "You're so Sweet."

"Wait, no-"

"You can't take that back"

"I'm not sweet."

"Yes, you are. To me anyway. You can't deny that."

Zayn held him tighter. "I couldn't treat you any other way. That's not just a mate thing. You're so fucking cute, it's physically impossible to be mean to you."

Liam wanted to comment about his aunt and uncle, the southern wolves who were trying to catch him, or even Harry. Liam very quickly bit his tongue.

He buried his head against Zayn's chest. Quite often, they hugged where they stood, no matter where they were.

"You don't think I would have angered the other wolves by- I mean, they're not embarrassed, are they?"

"That a human outran them? No. They're more impressed than anything. In their eyes, you've proved yourself!"

"And they would like me training with them?"

"Yes." Zayn knew if anyone had a problem with it, they would be picking their broken jaws off the ground.

"Maybe one day soon, we can go to Ethdellin Town and you can pick some shoes."

Liam smiled wide. He stood on his tiptoes and Zayn leaned down to peck his lips.

"I've been wanting to ask, um, are you any closer to finding the southern Alpha?" Liam was in lock-down, now that a crazed wolf was willing to plant traitor Beta's in everyone's packs just to ruin Zayn Malik.

"No. We've contacted every pack possible. Everyone has been looking, nobody has gotten any closer to finding him. It wouldn't surprise me if Jaiden's death completely ruined him. I know I wouldn't be able to function if you-" Zayn paused.

Even saying it out loud hurt. "Well, I know the southern Alpha will be distraught. I don't know if that's a weakness for him or fuelling his fire."

"He's lost his pack now."

"Yes, and his Packhouse. The Shadow Pack have split their pack between houses. They're big enough to have over fifty in each house. I thought they would sell it off to other southern packs, but they want to keep an eye on those who are not allies, and pretty much all of those are in the south."

Liam nodded, showing he understood. "Will Harry and Lou leave soon?"

"As much as I like Lou, I can't be around Harry's scent for another day. They're going home today now that her Packhouse is full of wolves again."

"I suppose that's for the best." Liam had been more nervous than usual with Harry roaming the halls holding his head high and flashing a smug smile.

Plenty of wolves wanted to wipe the smirk from his face, but nobody dared talk to him because he was mated to a member of Zayn's family. Even with a large target on his back, Harry acted like he owned the world simply because he had the power to do so.

Zayn then checked his watch and reluctantly uncoiled from Liam.

"I have a meeting in two minutes about fixing up this shit hole of a Packhouse. I'll probably be a few hours. I know you'd be bored listening to me talk about paint, so feel free to roam the building or tuck yourself into a corner and read." Zayn kissed his forehead and left the bathroom.

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