Chapter 6

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Why is this place all white?

Where am I?

Mew kept looking around with a confused expression.

Huh!! Mom Mew widened her eyes when she saw her father and mother in the distance looking at him with a smile.

Mew immediately ran fast and immediately hugged them tightly and cried hysterically.

His heart missed them so much.

His hugs were warmly welcomed by his parents.

We really miss you, darling said the father while stroking Mew's hair.

Thank you for surviving until now, my son said the mother while kissing the top of Mew's head.

Mew just kept crying. Spilling out all the sad feelings that he had been holding back since they left.

Mew hugged his parents tightly, as if they would disappear if they let go.

Son we have to go Tried to break free from the hug while Mew continued to shake his head noisily, not wanting his parents to have to leave again.

Come along, hiksss, Mae, Pho, Mew, I want to come with you guys

Darling, you still have a long life in the world. There, there is someone who is waiting for you. If you follow us now, that person will definitely be very sad.

Who is that person, Mae? Mae, Mew is not a perfect human being. Mew is flawed--sob,, who is waiting for Mew? Who wants to be with Mew?? Mae, even a blind person wouldn't want to be with Mew--sob ,,,hiksss,, Mae,, it's better for Mew to go with Mae and Pho,, Mew can't stand it anymore sob,, Mew lifted his face upwards, looking at his mother's face.

You will know who that person is in time. So, keep surviving. Yes, darling?  said the mother while occasionally kissing her child's cheek.

Mew's hands gently grasped her mother's two hands which were on her cheeks. Feeling the warmth he had when his mother was still alive.

Sorry darling, it's time. We have to go. Take care of yourself. Slowly the bodies of both parents faded.

Mew kept trying to hug them but unfortunately, their bodies became transparent.

Mew doesn't want to be separated from her parents again.

Mew continued to cry hysterically as his parents slowly disappeared from his sight.

Continue to beat his chest which hurts so much.

Look down & close your eyes tightly.
Slowly, Mew opened his eyes when he felt someone's gentle stroke on his forehead.

Blinking his eyes which were a little blurry with tears.

After being able to see clearly, Mew gasped in surprise when he saw the person rubbing his forehead.

"Gulf??" His eyes widened when he realized that Gulf was rubbing his forehead while looking at Mew blankly.

"Maybe it's a dream. There's no way Gulf would treat me like this. I'll try to sleep and return to reality"

Starting to close his eyes again.

"If you try to sleep again, you will suffer the consequences" Stopped the rubbing activity and turned to Mew's neck where there were strangulation marks that were clearly visible red on Mew's pale white neck.

Gulf put his right hand around Mew's neck and positioned it as if he was strangling.

"Will he kill me now? Was he dissatisfied because in the end I didn't die as he wanted?" Without realizing it, Mew's tears flowed freely from the corners of his eyes and he closed his eyes tightly.

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