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(Sorry I took so long to update it was Christmas and I totally forgot so I'm staying up late to work on this chapter for you!!!)

Katniss pov

 It seemed that my hopes of my prep team's visit being a joke or a dream were shattered when they actually showed up. For the past twelve hours, I had been subjected to an endless cycle of being lathered, scrubbed, bathed, groomed, powdered, and waxed. It was becoming unbearable. Finally, when Octavia walked in and tried to explain that the last bath was for relaxation, I couldn't take it anymore. I interrupted her, "I need peace and quiet before I lose my sanity." Surprisingly, she didn't seem bothered by my outburst. Instead, she rolled her eyes and calmly drew the bath, leaving me to find solace in the tranquility. The train ride was making me feel queasy, which was unusual since I had never gotten sick on trains before. Just then, Gale approached me. (He had managed to board the train by simply saying 'I'm the father of her baby!") Concerned, he asked if I was alright, noting that I looked a bit green. I nodded, fully aware that if I opened my mouth, not only would no words come out, but my breakfast most definitely would. Gale understood and sat down behind me, holding me close for comfort. Before I knew it, we were being hurried off the train and swiftly escorted through security to our hotel. Exhausted, I found my way to the bed and collapsed. The next thing I knew, Gale was knocking on the door, asking if I wanted dinner.  The interview was brief and focused mainly on Hunter. However, there was one question that I had been dreading. Caesar finally asked, "So, who is the father of your precious baby?" My face turned red with embarrassment as I stammered, "My husband-" Before I could finish my sentence, Caesar and the crowd were taken aback by my revelation. But just as I was about to respond, the buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the interview. I was relieved that it was over. Next up was Peeta, and his first question caught me off guard. "So, Peeta, are you married?" I couldn't help but stifle a laugh, and Gale glanced at me curiously. I whispered, "Peeta married!?" However, Peeta's response shocked me even more. He confidently replied, "Yes, I most certainly am!" Caesar then asked if he was Hunter's father, to which Peeta simply answered, "Yes." Filled with anger As I gazed out at the audience, I felt a mix of emotions swirling within me. I walked onto stage and slapped him as hard and profoundly as I could as I shouted "Liar!" Calling him a liar felt good  but I knew I had to stand my ground and not get too cocky. I confidently declared, "Gale Hawthorne is my husband and the father of my child." The room was filled with murmurs and whispers, but I continued, "Peeta, tell them why the baby's name is Hunter. TELL them! If you really are the father of the baby you would know idiot!" Caesar, the host, seized the opportunity to question me further, "Why is the baby's name Hunter." I took a moment to compose my thoughts before explaining the significance behind the name. I shared "Meeting Gale Hawthorne during one of my hunting expeditions was a turning point in my life. It was as if our paths were destined to cross, and from that moment on, I found myself constantly searching for something more meaningful in my existence. However, when Gale reappeared in my life and I discovered that I was carrying his child, a profound sense of fulfillment washed over me. It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle had finally fallen into place, and I knew deep down that this would be the last pursuit I would ever embark upon, except, of course, game." The audience chuckled at my witty remark about always hunting for game. The atmosphere in the room shifted as Caesar turned his attention to Gale, who joined me on stage. As we stood side by side, Caesar pointed out the obvious - our marital status and the impending arrival of our child. Gale confirmed our relationship with a smile, "Yes, I have married Katniss and I hope to make her happy for the rest of her life."  Caesar asked "So, how did you two meet?" While I knew the truth of our meeting, Gale chose to spin a tale "Well both of our father's died in a mine crash a couple years ago and we kind of met at the memorial." However, Peeta burst onto the stage, vehemently calling out the falsehood in Gale's story by shouting out "Liar! You met hunting in the woods and doing God who knows what!" The tension in the room escalated as Caesar sought clarification from me "Is that true?" I nodded in agreement with Peeta's revelation, admitting to our illegal hunting activities beyond District Twelve "Yes, We met hunting but I had to provide for my family and the mines scared me after they took my father and I always was a daddy's girl" In a moment of vulnerability, I shared the pain of losing my father to the mines, tugging at the heartstrings of the audience. By referring to myself as a "Daddies girl" I hoped to evoke sympathy and understanding, which seemed to work as the crowd softened towards our unconventional love story. Gale enveloped me in a protective embrace, and I leaned into him, feeling a sense of unity and strength. Despite the whirlwind of questions and revelations, the buzzer signaling the end of our time on stage brought a sense of relief. As we made our way home, I couldn't help but reflect on the challenges we had faced and the bond that held us together, ready to face whatever the future held for our growing family.

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