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Sorry if you thought this was a chapter!!!

 So this week was my spring break and I thought I would get a whole lot done on my book

Womp Womp

Never happened

I'm so sorry.... 

Here's why

1. My house has been under construction the ENTIRE week

2. Bc I'm helping out I can't update during the day

3. I try to update at night I'm just exhausted and super tired

4. I had to go to a birthday party

Here's the reasons I won't be updating for a little bit

1. I have to go back to school

2. I will still try to update at night but I might just be exhausted and super tired

3. (Ya know how I said  that I had to go to a birthday party?) I twisted my wrist and bruised my tailbone so it hurts to write and sit (Your lucky you even get this chapter)

4. I just reached a time in my life where I realized that I'm literally a worthless piece of crap and that I need to figure out some stuff in my life

5. As I have said in previous chapters I have hit a major writers block and your insight would be very helpful (If needed I will repost the questions)

Please no rude or negative comments, I know it sounds like I'm venting or making excuses but I'm really not. I love you guys and I would do anything for you but I really just need to rest and update tomorrow.


I love you guys!!!!!!

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