Safe and Sound

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(This chapter is dedicated to Taylor Swift and my favorite song by her "Safe and Sound"-it's in the credits of one of the hunger games movies) Please  vote!!!!!

Katniss POV

The scene unfolds with a knock on the door, and as I call out for the person to come in, I am taken aback to see Gale standing there. I am caught off guard, still in my pajamas, wearing a short see-through shirt and super short shorts. However, Gale doesn't seem to mind my appearance. He starts to speak, but I interrupt him in a motherly way, assuring him that whatever he wants to say is not his fault. The look on his face is one of astonishment, as if he is seeing something incredible for the first time. I nod and tell him that he is loved, that I can't bear to be without him, which is why he came. But then he "I tried to have you but Peeta took you" I gaze into his eyes, gently touching his jaw, and assure him "Your the only thing that's gone through my mind since you left me" His expression softens, and we lean in closer to each other. The atmosphere in the room changes as Gale guides me towards the bed, creating an ambiance filled with anticipation and desire. The air becomes thick with a heady mix of passion and vulnerability, as we both feel the intensity building between us. Gale inquires, "Are you ready?" and I respond with a nod, eagerly desiring his presence. However, he says "I need verbal consent."  "YES!" I comply, eagerly anticipating the sensation of his touch in my intimate region. With a gentle and deliberate motion, he eases himself inside me, allowing me time to acclimate to his cock. Gradually, he begins to move in a rhythmic motion, each thrust bringing us closer to a shared ecstasy. Suppressing the urge to vocalize my pleasure, I bite down on my lip, savoring the sensations that course through my body. In a hushed tone, he encourages me to embrace the pleasure that envelops us. "Don't feel afraid to moan for me baby, it's just you and me" he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and longing. His words ignite a fire within me, urging me to release the pent-up moans that yearn to escape my lips. Slowly and sensually, I begin to slowly rub his cock, each movement delicate and deliberate. It feels as if time itself has slowed down, allowing us to savor every moment of this intimate encounter. As he realizes what I'm doing, his desire springs to life, eager and ready. Our bodies intertwine in a passionate embrace, as Gale positions himself above me. The connection between us is electric, and I can't help but be captivated by the beauty and allure of his manhood. I appreciate its unique form and the pleasure it promises. With a sense of reverence, I take him into my mouth, relishing the taste and texture that ignite my senses. Our connection deepens, and I am consumed by a profound admiration for the intimacy we share. In this moment, nothing else matters except the intense pleasure we create together, a symphony of desire and fulfillment. As time passes, Gale breaks the silence and says "You the only thing that's ever made me feel safe and sound. Our legs become entwined, and his shirt is lost amidst the mess of our passion. The space is brimming with a palpable intimacy that seems to emanate from every corner. Unspoken emotions hang heavy in the air, creating an atmosphere charged with desire and vulnerability. As we delve deeper into the exploration of each other's bodies, a profound connection is forged, transcending mere physicality and delving into the depths of our souls. Our bodies move in synchrony, responding to each other's touch with a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity. Every caress, every kiss, every whispered word carries with it a weight of unspoken emotions that speak volumes in the silence of the room. In this intimate dance of passion and desire, we lose ourselves in the moment, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and open to the raw intensity of our connection.  As we surrender to the pleasure that envelops us, a sense of euphoria washes over us, heightening our senses and deepening our bond. The room fades into the background, leaving only the two of us entwined in a world of our own making. In this intimate space, time seems to stand still as we bask in the warmth of each other's presence, cherishing the raw beauty of our shared intimacy.

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