Refound Power

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"Tch..where am I?" Sasuke slowly opened his eye as his whole body screamed from pain. He recalled what happened earlier but couldn't tell how he ended up in what looked like a hospital.

He put his hand over where his right eye was supposed to be but all he could feel was pain. "That bastard slashed me pretty good."

Just as he was looking around the room the door opened to reveal Sakura who had come to check up on his condition.

"You're finally awake huh." She looked at him with a sigh of relief and worry as she sat on his bedside to check his condition.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not good, it's like my whole body wants to tear itself apart."

"Yeah you were in a pretty terrible condition when Hinata found you in front of your home's front door. I tried my hardest to heal you as best as I could but the cuts were really deep almost if they were meant to be engraved into your body but luckily with a little time you should be back to normal."

"Where is Hinata right now?"

"I sent her home to get some rest, she hadn't left your side for the whole time but I finally managed to convince her to get some rest and look after her own health too."

"Sakura, thank you... for everything.... For always being there when I needed you and for always looking past my flaws and all the trouble I have always caused you."

"Ha.. what are you saying all of a sudden? Why now?" Tears started falling down her face as she couldn't hold in how much those words meant to her. She had wanted to hear those words from him all her teenage life but never did which made her regret how much of her life she had wasted trying to chase after a guy who wouldn't even look her in the eye properly because she meant nothing to him. The guilt of wasting so much of her youth on her seemingly pointless mission had always weighed her down in her adult life and the rift between her and Sasuke had stayed the same distance even when they both became adults and married. She wanted their friendship back, she wanted those moments back where all three of them laughed together or did stupid things with Naruto being the ring leader. She didn't care anymore that he never loved her but she just wanted one of her best friends back but after Sasuke's continued coldness towards her she had given up on that.

"I know it's sudden and that's also my fault. I'm sorry... for a lot of things but when I was on the brink of death my biggest regret was the fact that I hadn't closed that years and years of distance between us. I had managed everything, gotten a family, took my revenge, obtained power beyond any other but the only thing I failed at was reconciling with one of my best friends who I had lost ago due to my stubbornness. It's my fault Sakura and you don't deserve to put up with me at all yet you still do and have been doing for decades now. Believe me when I say this Sakura, I could have never loved you or anyone back then but if I ever did get a chance to do it all over again I would have chosen you and looked at the love you showed me all those years ago, maybe then I would have realized there is still someone in the world who loves me despite all my flaws. If it wasn't for my bloodstained path maybe you and I could have had a happy life together with a family of our own perhaps with a daughter instead of a son?"



"Our daughters name would have been Sarada, I picked that name years ago when I thought I could change your path and make you mine."

"Sarada huh? It's a beautiful name. Sakura and Sarada, like mother like daughter was the intention I presume?"

"Yeah if it was a boy I wanted him to be like you but if it was a girl I wanted her to be like me, at the time it made sense to my teenage self."

"Haha yeah I can see the logic behind that reasoning." They both burst into a short laughter, it felt good to laugh together again for the both of them.

"Hey Sasuke."


"You know why I'm so happy right now?"

"This one of your old guessing games? I don't know, why are you happy right now Sakura?" They both used to play this game back when they were kids. Sakura would always ask Sasuke random questions about what she did on that day like what she ate for breakfast or what colour skirt she saw in a store and Sasuke would always be forced to try and guess. At first it was a bother to him but hearing her ask that question after so long made him happy.

"It's becauseeeeee I got one of my best friends back to me after so long."

"Hey Sakura do you know why I'm happy right now?"

"No I couldn't possibly know the reason behind your happiness so why are you happy right now Sasuke?" Sakura asked him this question while expecting the answer to be the same as hers.

"It's because... this fruits basket by my bed side table has amazing fruits inside it."

"Ha Sasuke you jerk!" She playfully punched his arm being careful not to cause him any pain.

"Kidding, kidding, I feel the same as you Sakura."

Afterwards both of them talked for a long time about everything that's happened in their lives from the missed moments to the shared memories.

"Sooo you gonna tell me who was strong enough to leave you in that state or no?" After a while Sakura asked the question which she wanted to ask before but forgot as they both started reminiscing about the past.

"Yeah I'll tell you but could you do me a favour while we talk?"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"I need to get my arm and eye back through the use of hashirama cells."

"So you want to reclaim what was supposed to be yours from a long ago huh."

"Yeah I need the rinnegan in my right eye too."

Part 17 ends here:

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