Duo returns

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"You think you can kill me Fox? You will fall just like the rest of the tailed beast did."

"What did you just say? You mean you took them all, damn you you'll pay for that Momoshiki!"

"But how will you fight me properly with your son still around? You never know when he might get caught in the cross fire and have an untimely death hahaha."

"Keep my son's name out of your damn mouth."

"Dad what's happening to my eye, DAD IT HURTS HELP M-OWW" Jiraiya's left eye started changing as his selera turned black while his pupil started turned light blue. He didn't know what was happening but Jiraiya knew it had something to do with the two men that had just showed up in front of him, he could feel himself connected to the both of them.

"Jiraiya?! What's wrong son? My god what's happening to your left eye?"

"Ho that brat possesses the Jougan? Kinshiki how is this possible?"

"I don't know my lord only us Otsusuki's should have a power like that."

"Kinshiki, wasn't losing to me the first time enough that you had to come back for more."

"Uchiha this time it won't be like the last because I'm going to kill you and your son and bury you both here."

"You best keep your hands away from my kid if you don't want me to shorten that horn some more."

"Dad what's going on? Who is this guy?"

"Ayato stay behind me and don't get involved in this fight. Let's go Naruto!!"

"Yeah Sasuke!!!"

The duo of the two strongest shinobi engaged in battle against the two gods. Naruto opted to go for Momoshiki as he knew Momoshiki would go for him as well since he had the last remaining tailed beast inside of him. While Kinshiki sought out Sasuke in an attempt to settle their score.

"Let's go Kurama I hope you haven't gone soft on me after taking so many naps"

"Who do you think you're talking to Naruto? I've been itching for a fight this entire time while you bored me to death with your paperwork."

"Huohh" Naruto tapped into Kurama's power for the first time in many years. He could feel the fox's power surge through him as his jacket turned yellow while his shirt became black resembling the link he had to the nine tailed fox.

"Wind style: rasen-shuriken" Naruto effortlessly created a rasen- shuriken which he then threw towards Momoshiki who simply extended his arm and absorbed it.

"What the? You can absorb jutsu's?"

"Yes indeed I can fox."

"Looks like Taijutsu it is then." Naruto teleported right in front of Momoshiki and tried to kick him which he blocked but still was sent backwards.

"It's been a while since I used my power like this." That kick had used more of Naruto's energy then he thought he needed to use. He was rusty and his battle instincts had been greatly reduced due to the the fact that he hadn't battled anyone for many years not on this scale at least. Naruto knew he had to regain his strength and it had to happen fast because Momoshiki wouldn't give him time to adjust and sure enough Momoshiki replied to Naruto's kick with a series of powerful punches which Naruto was barely managing to block.


"What's wrong Fox? Can't keep up?" Momoshiki grabbed Naruto's arm and twisted it making him scream in pain.

"AHHHH" He then grabbed Naruto by his face and smashed it into the ground. Momoshiki repeatedly continued smashing Naruto's face.

"Water style: Sea Serpent" A serpent appeared behind Momoshiki and swallowed him whole before he got the chance to absorb it.

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