A New Otsusuki

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Three weeks passed since Naruto had met Kawaki. Things had changed now, Kawaki was living at the Uzumaki Residence with Naruto and his family. While it wasn't easy at first with his mood swings and sudden urge for violence, eventually Kawaki had managed to warm up a little to Naruto and Sakura though he still was at odds with their son Jiraiya sometimes due to both boys feeling a strong urge of competitiveness with one another.

In the month that passed Kawaki had given Naruto and Shikamaru a lot of valuable intel regarding the Otsusuki's. They had learned about the karma mark and the process of vessels, they had learned about Jigen's origins, they had learned about Jiraiya's left eye and it's Otsusuki origins and mostly importantly they had learned about a new Otsusuki who was with Jigen called Otsusuki Kaien. According to Kawaki, Kaien was a far more ruthless and crazy Otsusuki than Jigen as he had no patience and wanted everything done then and there. Kawaki was always scared of him and Jigen used that to get Kawaki to behave.

Kawaki had also informed them of the Otsusuki's organization called Kara. The organization had many strong members such as Delta and Boros but Naruto was more worried about the new Otsusuki.

"If there is one more than there can be a lot more that we don't know about."

"Oi loser calm down and think rationally, we can't have you pissing your pants before the fight even begins."

Naruto was in the hokage's office with Sasuke by his side as they both were discussing about the Otsusuki's and the potential of there being more of them.

"Sasuke you son of a-

"Hey dad we're back from the mission." Jiraiya had arrived with Ayato and Mitsuki while also accompanying them was kawaki who had been temporarily put on the team by Naruto as Kawaki was interested in becoming a ninja.

"Wait dad what was uncle Naruto talking to you about? He called you a son of someone right?"

"Shit Ayato heard us!"

"Yeah Naruto let's continue our conversation from earlier, who were you calling me a son of?"

"Oh um I-i w-was..

"What's wrong Naruto? You feeling alright?"

"That bastard! I know he's smirking on the inside right now!"

"Fu- FUGAKU! I was calling you a son of a legend you know how your dad is an Uchiha legend basically. What a shinobi he was! I've heard legends about him far and wide."

"Tchh" Sasuke looked pissed that Naruto had actually managed to use his brain to get out of a situation for once.

"How's that bitch?"

Naruto was pleased with himself for thinking quickly on his feet.

"Really dad? Was grandpa Fugaku really that great?"

"Um yeah son.. as you heard uncle Naruto just say his legend was known far and wide."

"That's so cool!"

"Hey dad wasn't grandpa Minato also great?"

"Of course he was, your grandpa Minato was the fourth hokage after all and at such a young age!"

"This is stupid" Kawaki watching the situation figured out what was coming next and walked out of the office.

"So who was better between the two of them?" Both the boys asked in unison.


"It was your grandpa Minato"

"It was your grandpa Fugaku"

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