Momoshiki's Invasion

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Jiraiya was getting ready to head out to the stadium. He was a bit nervous as 5 villages were watching him and he didn't want to make a fool of himself.

"Better not hold back against me bro otherwise you'll lose." Ayato showed up from behind him and extended his arm towards him while balling his fingers into a fist.

"Who do you think you're talking too, I don't need you telling me that, I'll crush you with my overwhelming power." Jiraiya reciprocated Ayato's actions and the two boys fist pump each other and then headed out in the middle of the stadium.

"Ok I want a fair clean fight between the two of you." Shino sensei came in the middle to talk with both the contestants.

"Both of you ready? Begin!"

And so began the much anticipated battle between the Uchiha's son and the hokage's kid.

"What gonna stand there and do nothing Jiraiya?" Ayato wanted to provoke Jiraiya to make the first move in order to evaluate his opponent.

"Actually I've already made my first move."


"What the" the Jiraiya that was standing in front of him vanished before Ayato's eyes.

Where is he? Ayato looked around the stadium, he nowhere to be found. Wait above me and sure enough Jiraiya was above Ayato.

"Lighting style: Thunderclap arrow" Jiraiya shot a lighting arrow towards Ayato who was barely able to dodge it and got a scratch on his face.

"Hhhh" the stadium held its breath in anticipation.

"Hheh you're good, ok then guess it's my turn."


"Listen up Ayato what I'm going to teach you next is quite complicated for someone your age but I have faith you'll learn it just like I did." Ayato was on the training grounds training with Sasuke and Hinata

"The justu's name is Chidori. It is a highly complicated jutsu to learn but like I was taught this by Kakashi sensei at your age now it's time for you to learn it as well. In order to make chidori you need to concentrate your lighting chakra in the palm of your hands and do not lose focus for even a second otherwise your Chidori will spiral out of control and it will just become a burst of lighting.

Since you're starting to learn it, use your other hand to support your arm as you try to stabilize your Chidori. Once you have mastered this, you'll be able to manipulate your Chidori in many forms just like I do." Sasuke didn't think they would be able to progress to a level where Ayato could manipulate Chidori at will during the short time they had but his son had managed to master Chidori in a week of their training. 

Back to present:

"CHIDORI STREAM" Ayato flooded the whole ground in lighting and Jiraiya had no choice but to jump upwards to avoid it but the instant he jumped Ayato was already there waiting for him.

"How did yo-

"Gentle fist: Gale palm" this was a technique taught to Ayato by his mother. Unlike a regular wind style Gale palm, Gentle fist: Gale Palm is a technique that momentarily paralyzes your opponent while they are pushed back. Jiraiya was unable to move his body as he was thrown back to the ground and electricity coursed through his body.

"AHHHHH" it hurt so much like his whole body was being burned alive and he was unable to move due to Ayato paralyzing him.

It continued that way for a minute or two before Jiraiya regained feelings thought out his whole body and he was able to move again. By then the lighting had also finished.

He got up from the ground and used medical ninjutsu that his mother had taught him to heal himself.

"Impressive you almost fully healed your wounds."

"Ayato you'll pay for that one, it still hurts you moron."

Jiraiya then started concentrating wind chakra in the palm of his fist until a blue ball had appeared somewhat resembling a rasengan but smaller and more out of shape than it. 

"RASENGAN" Jiraiya then threw his rasengan towards Ayato who was prepared to dodge it but it vanished midway.

"Ahahaha at least learn to do a proper rasengan before attempting to throw one towards me haha." The whole stadium burst into laughter looking at Jiraiya's rasengan vanish midway.

"What are going to do next? A deformed shadow clone?"

"And now"

"What no- OUUUFF" the rasengan appeared right before Ayato and hit him right in the chest, it felt like someone destroyed his insides as he spat out blood and couldn't breath for a few seconds.

"I forgot to mention but that's actually called a vanishing rasengan"

"A vanishi- BLAHH" Ayato spat out more blood as he was unable to get up for a few seconds.

"Ayato are you able to get up or should I consider this match over?"

"No no I'm up I'm up."

"You know you should really stay down, I don't wanna cause more internal bleeding. Who knows just how badly that rasengan hit you hehe"

"Let's see you defend this then. Fire style: Red Phoenix" Ayato had summoned a giant red phoenix which was so hot everyone in the stadium could feel it's heat.

"Water style: Sea Serpent" Jiraiya replied back with summoning a water serpent that was just as big as the Phoenix.

"OK THAT'S ENOUGH" Shino sensei tried getting in the middle of the boys fight but no one listened to him as they both were fixated on beating the other.

"There you are Fox" two beings appeared in the sky, Naruto and Sasuke immediately spotted them.

"Sakura start evacuating all the citizens and then come meet me here because we're all in great danger right now"

"Naruto who is that up there?"

"I'll explain later just go!!!"

Naruto made an announcement telling everyone to leave the stadium immediately and a panic rushed over the crowd.

"Hinata help Sakura with evacuation and citizen safety and then come meet me here when you're done."

"Got it, Sasuke be careful out there protect our son please."

"Of course I won't let anything happen to him."

Naruto and Sasuke both arrived in the middle of the stadium destroying their son's jutsu's.

"What took you so long Sasuke? Getting soft old man."

"Shut up and focus right now. Jiraiya, Ayato both of you get out of here."

Momoshiki threw down lighting all around the stadium destroying it. Pieces of rubble fell down everywhere and as some where about to fall down on citizens, Sakura came and punched them destroying them into little bits while Hinata pushed them aside with her Gentle fist: Gale palm. 

"Dad who is that up there"

"No time to explain Jiraiya just listen to what Sasuke said and get out of here." Both Ayato and Jiraiya tried escaping from the middle of the stadium but were stopped by Momoshiki and Kinshiki that came in front of the boys path and tried cutting them down, they were both stopped by Naruto and Sasuke at the same time.

"Get away from our sons or do you want us to kill you that badly already."

"Huh your quite feisty fox."

Part 6 ends here:

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