Family connections

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"Sakura you've been working too hard trying to make sure everyone else is safe, rest a little hon."

"Naruto I'm fine now get out of here so I can focus on my work, I have a lot of patients that need help but with you around I get distracted."

"Am I that handsome?"

"Yes you are now leave." Sakura pointed to the door of her office motioning for Naruto to leave her alone so she can concentrate.

"But your exhausted you should rest too."

"I will just not now, the hospital is incredibly busy right now and if I leave, it will become a lot worse."

"Alright fine don't listen to me after all who am I to you right? Just your husband but who cares right? Ahhh I wish I had a wife who would listen to me sometimes since I am saying something that would benefit her."

"Naruto come on don't be like that, you know I really appreciate it dear but I can't just take a leave since there isn't anyone in the village that can take charge under these stressful conditions."

"Psttt" Naruto stuck out his tongue towards Sakura and then left the office.

"Honestly he's 32 but still so childish heh." Sakura smiled at the fact that her husband hasn't changed a bit since the day she met him and she loved that part about him a lot. Naruto's childish actions always made her smile since she loved how much they brightened her world whenever he would do anything like pout like a kid or run away sticking out his tongue when he got caught by her for something he wasn't supposed to do. They have been married for so long and the reason their relationship is so strong is because of the fact that they both couldn't stay mad at one another for a long time.

The connection between them was stronger than any bond in the world. They would always find each other no matter how far apart they were from one another. This connection was what brought them both back from the brink of death. For Sakura it was Naruto that was always present to protect her whenever anyone tried to harm her like Pain destroying the whole village or Sasuke being a second away from taking her life. For Naruto it was Sakura who was the reason he's still breathing because during the fourth great ninja war she kept his heart pumping when he had lost the tailed beast power and was about to die.

"Lady Sakura we have a patient here who needs immediate treatment as he's just woken up screaming in extreme pain."

"Alright I'll be right there, give him a Midazolam injection to calm his nerves and then we can start."

After a few hours of running around the hospital Sakura came back to her office utterly exhausted.

"Maybe Naruto was right I should take a short vacation but who can I leave in charge of handling so much?"

"Just leave that to me hon."

"That was Naruto's voice wasn't it?" As she said this Sakura got knocked out from behind in a flash.

"Ahh where am I?" Sakura opened her eyes after being asleep for a while only to notice that she was in a place she didn't recognize at all.

"Your at the hot springs in the land of lighting hidden cloud village."

"Naruto? Huh how did we get here?"

"I lightly knocked you out from behind in your office and then brought you here to enjoy yourself since you've been so exhausted lately."

Then she remembered how she was in her office mere moments ago when she got hit from behind by someone after hearing Naruto's voice.

"Y-yo-you kidnapped me?! What is wrong with you Naruto? Do you know how much crisis the village will be in if the hokage just ups and leaves for a while? And what about my hospital who would take care of all that paperwork and treating the patients and and

"Sakura hon relax, you honestly think I didn't think about these things before 'kidnapping' you? Shikamaru's watching the office in fact he was the one who told me to take a break since I've been working around the clock even after fighting Momoshiki and in terms of the hospital I called in a favour from Lady Tsunade and Shizune so they will be in charge for a week while you relax here with me."

"What about the kids?"

"Dropped them off to your parents house they are taken care of, anything else you want to ask?" He looked at her with a smirk on his face. It was the expression he gave her when he knew she couldn't find a thing to complain about since he already took care of everything.

"Yeah just one."

"And that is?"

"How come I became lucky enough to have you as my husband?"

"Well I had many options to choose from in my youth as you know but no girl can beat you Sakura hehe."

"Oh so I was picked from a lottery draw? Aren't I lucky to hit the jackpot on my first try."

"Yeah what are the odds huh?"

They both burst out in laughter for a while. Then the room became silent as they looked at each other without breaking eye contact.

"So what are we doing today?" She asked him with a smile on her face that Naruto immediately recognized.

"Well I was thinking, how about you and me stay in bed for a little while longer?"

"Hm and do what exactly?"

"I think you know 'what' I'm talking about."

"Why don't you come here and tell me?"

"Don't mind if I do"

"Haha Naruto calm down don't pounce on me we got time you know."

"I can't help it when your looking so beautiful."

"Yeah yeah your a smooth talker I get it."

The couple then spent the whole day in bed rather than going out and exploring the village as Naruto didn't want to leave the bed despite Sakura telling him they should explore other options for 'fun'.

Part 13 ends here:

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