Week 17 New Year

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The stars began to appear as the sun set over the hills. I walk up the snowy hill on this cold evening, my boots crunching the snow below. I turned back to see Twilight and the gang slightly out of breath as they followed.

"Come on, we're almost there," I said excitedly. I am actually quite surprised that I am here at all. To think this time last year I had no friends to celebrate New Year with, now I have six large beautiful girls to celebrate this time with.

"Hold on a moment dear, just need to *huff* catch my breath," huffed Rarity, putting her hands on her wide front thighs. She had a thick white winter coat with purple highlights and hugged her wide frame beautifully.

"This is so exciting!" Pinkie cheerfully announces hopping up the hill, her huge rump jingling with each bounce.

"Why does New Year have to be in the middle of winter, why can't it be, you know, during the summer," Rainbow Dash complained as her wrapped bulky arms moved up and down her turquoise jacket.

"Don't be a worry wart," Applejack rolled her eyes, "your new bulk should keep you warm."

"Oh, it's so beautiful," Twilight said in awe of the dwindling twilight of the valley. Over the hill we saw the final light of the sun vanish and the town below began to glow from its lamps and leftover Christmas decorations. It was a sight to behold and my first time seeing the town as a whole.

"Now... we wait," chimed Pinkie Pie, overflowing with excitement.

"Yea, for like 10 hours," whined Dash shivering in the snow.

"That's why you should dress accordingly," Rarity retorted, pulling out a purple fur barrel muff and putting her hands in, sighing in relief.

"Besides we bought snacks," Applejack responded as she slipped her backpack off and unzipped it.

"And I got the hot coco!" chimed Pinkie, now holding several large thermostats.

"I'm not going to ask where you hid all of those, just give me one," Dash grumbled, snatching a flask from Pinkie.


For the next several hours we talked. We talked about the past year, our favorite experiences, great and embarrassing moments. We laughed, we argued, but all in all we enjoyed each other completely as the night pressed on.

"It's almost time!" ThenAannounced Pinkie Pie, jumping up and down.

Twilight took out a clock as she started the countdown, "15...14...13...12...11...10..." We all then joined in, counting to zero.

"5...4...3...2...1...0!" We all yelled in unison. Then a great flash illuminated the sky before a loud bang echoed through the valley.

"Yay, it's starting," clapped Fluttershy. We all turned to the sky as the first fireworks of the year began.

It was a magical moment as the dark sky flashed with a multitude of colors as loud expansion when off like a battlefield. Despite the cold night we all had a warm and glowing feeling in all of us as we huddled together, the girls large warm bodies engulfing me like a sea of pillows. In this cushiony embrace and distracted by the fireworks I failed to notice the hands of Rarity and Applejack grabbing my own, their cheeks turning rosy red.

As we watched the fireworks and felt the warmth of friendship surrounding us, I realized that I no longer felt alone. This past school year had been the best one I have ever had, filled with laughter, love, and memories that I would cherish forever. The stars twinkled above us as we stood together, a united and unbreakable bond that would carry us through the year ahead. With the support of these incredible friends, I knew that I could overcome any challenge that came my way. And as the fireworks continued to light up the sky, I looked forward to a future filled with joy, love, and the warmth of true friendship, and maybe more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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