Week 8 - Halloween Party

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The full moon glowed high above the dark trees, bathing the dirt road an eerily light. I walked alone wearing nothing but dusty blue overalls, a yellow helmet with an old gas light on top and an old rusty pickaxe. The chilling air made me shiver as my exposed shoulder hairs stood on end. Despite the nip to my bare skin I was quite giddy. This will be my first party I have ever been invited to. 

I walked up the road to Applejack's farm, seeing the spooky decorations fill the front yard. The trees had wispy ghosts hanging from their branches and cobwebs covered the windows. A mix of pumpkins and jack o'lanterns littered the sides of the entrance of the gate to the front porch. Taking a deep breath I walked up to the house's door.

*knock, knock, knock*

The front door swung open and I was pulled in by a pudgy pink hand.

"Sunstone is here! The party can now be-gin!" Cheered Pinkie. I had been spun around until I was standing in the middle of the living room surrounded by costumed fat girls. 

The one who dragged me here, Pinkie, was dressed in nothing but candy. Her pink hair was styled to look more like cotton candy and had a pink gumball pin. Her dress, going from her ample breasts going past her quaking bulbous butt to her chunky knees, was made entirely of tidied fruit roll-ups. She had candy dots on a paper belt and a peppermint ribbon brooch pinned near her right breast. Even her shoes were made of black licorice.

Going clockwise Applejack was a tree, an apple tree to be exact. Tree branch with apples tied to its branches stuck out of her hair, while still wearing her traditional cowboy hat. Wrapped around her big breasts, belly and butt was a tube brown dress that was made to look like wood. As was her stocking that wrapped around her strong thick legs that all ended with roots coming out of her shoes. 

Next was Twilight and… she was in her normal clothes? No, she was dressed as a librarian, which looked similar to her normal attire. I believe it was just me, but I think she was going for the sexy librarian aesthetic. She wore stylish black cat eye eyeglasses, a tight purple long sleeved ruffled blouse and shin-high black dress, finished with some black and purple button strapped ankle boots. Her ballooning bust and buttocks stood out the most as the costume could barely contain their mass within the fabric. 

Next in line was Rainbow Dash, wearing a roman legionnaire helmet, breastplate and skirt. Her silver armor glistened under the light, highlighting her strong bulky body. Her form fitting breastplate showed off her growing breasts and rounding belly, all cast in iron. The red skirt opened up to show her ample legs from in between the gaps.

Fluttershy stood nearby and she was trying to hide behind her long hair her fairy costume. Her long pink hair was filled with flowers of many colors and her green leafy one piece dress clung to her bubbly form. She stood at her side, trying to hide herself behind everybody but her butt was not something you can hide. Her skirt roode nearly all the way up to the top of her backside, revealing a large pair of yellow moons for all to see.

Finally was Rarity and she was all white. From her hair, irises, and her long flowing toga and sandals, everything was white and had left nothing to the imagination. Her white breasts nearly exploded out of her tunic and her flaring hips poked out from its sides. All in all she looked like a very curvaceous greek marble sculpture. 

"You made it," cried Applejack, slapping my back. Never going to not feel pain from that. Pinkie then zipped around us to the old record player and put the needle on the record. Out of the horn blasted a party style "Spooky Skeletons" dance song.

"Woo! This is my jam," hollered Pinkie as she raised her hands in the air and bucked her hips back and forth. 

"Everything is your jam." Dash rolled her eyes.

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