Week 12 - Thanksgiving dinner aftermath

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The cozy kitchen was filled with the warmth of the afternoon sun, making the air thick and heavy with heat. Despite the sweltering temperature, I couldn't help but feel content as I washed the dishes, taking in the aftermath of our Thanksgiving feast. The faint aroma of turkey, gravy and stuffing still lingered in the air, and the clinking sounds of dishes being cleaned were the only sounds breaking the peaceful silence.

It was a little past 2 pm, and I had just finished lunch with my closest friends. Pinkie Pie, the mastermind behind our impromptu Thanksgiving meal, had convinced us all to celebrate with one another before we headed off to see our families. Despite suspecting that Pinkie was just using the opportunity for a second feast, I couldn't deny that I enjoyed every moment of it.

As I finished rinsing the last dish and placing it on the rack to dry, I flicked off the faucet and walked into the living room. What greeted me were five multicolored girls - Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy, all sprawled out and almost comatose from their food-induced comas.

Rarity and Twilight lay on the couch, wearing cozy sweaters, Twilight's light purple to Rarity's white, that clung to their figures tightly. Sitting at the edges their large butts took up the entire two person couch, nearly touching at the center. Their distended bellies had surpassed their already generous bust sizes, stretching the sweaters to their limit.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack had collapsed on the floor like two giant stuffed sausages, their large round bellies slowly expanding and contracting rhythmically. I swore everything about these two is nothing but competition. I had watched these two engorge an entire bowl of mashed potatoes just to see who can eat it the fastest. They were both snoring loudly, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched them.

Fluttershy sat across from Rarity and Twilight, her huge butt almost completely swallowed up the recliner cushion. Her belly had grown to an impressive size, making it hard for me to determine whether it was her normal potbelly or a result of the feast. She rubbed her distended stomach as she dozed off, seeming to be in a state of pure bliss.

"Hey Sunstone, can you help me put away the leftovers? I think I ate too much." Pinkie's voice interrupted my observations, and I turned around to see her sitting at the kitchen table.

"You, full? Never," I teased as I walked towards her.

"*burp* Hey, even this baby has its limits," she giggled, rubbing her swollen belly. "I'm happy to hear that everyone enjoyed the meal though. I'm really glad that I could make all my friends happy."

"Well, you certainly outdid yourself, Pinkie. For a baker you can make an amazing Thanksgiving dinner and it was all delicious," I praised, picking up some of the containers and placing them in the fridge.

"Thanks, Sunstone. Knowing that I can make my friends happy is the best feeling ever," Pinkie replied, grinning from ear to ear.

As I looked over Pinkie's curvaceous bottom heavy figure, I couldn't help but feel happy for her. Her large thickening rump tugged at her skirt, and her plump shapely legs stretched out her pink stockings. Her plump belly now hard hung over the rim of her skirt, stretching the fabric to its limit. Her upper body was relatively the same, her chest going up only a couple of cups while her face looked surprisingly thin. Despite enjoying the sight of my friends plumping up, I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt of ogling a friend who was growing rapidly without control.

"You know, Sunstone, there's no need to feel guilty," Pinkie said, her voice softening. "I can tell that you're conflicted, enjoying our bodies, but also worried about us."

"Huh?" I blushed, feeling exposed and vulnerable. But then I remembered that Pinkie had these six senses in reading other's emotions.

"You don't have to feel ashamed, Sunstone," Pinkie continued. "We all know you love us just the way we are. And if a friend sees me attractive, then that makes me feel good."

"You really are the 'in your face' kind of personality are you?" I said bashfully as my cheeks reddened.

"When I see one of my friends feeling down I jump right in to bring them a smile!" Pinkie cheered. "But I do know feelings are complicated, especially if it concerns one's friends. And because you are both concerned for us and enjoying our 'full-figuredness' that makes me happy to call you my friend."

I felt a little bit of weight lift off my chest. I realized then and there that Pinkie was right - my feelings towards my friends were complicated, but at the core was a deep love and appreciation for them, despite their rapid growth.

"Thank you, Pinkie. I really needed to hear that," I said, my voice breaking with emotion.

"Of course! You're my friend, and I'll always be here to cheer you up, no matter what," Pinkie declared, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Good, now can you help me to a more comfortable seat, I think my tush needs a better seat," she giggled. I walked up to her as she stretched out her arms and I helped her get to her feet with a slight groan. She put her arm around my shoulder as we slowly walked to an open soft seat. Despite the heaviness of her body, I felt an odd sense of lightness. At that moment, I knew that nothing could change the love I had for my friends, and that their size would always be a part of who they are. And that was something to be celebrated, not hidden away.

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