Week 10

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The fare was bustling with all kinds of folks, from kids to the elderly, all here to have fun. The fiery trees framed the background of the rainbow color balloons and multicolor tents while the sounds of playful music blared out of the fall festival. 

I had just arrived and was standing by the entrance waiting for Applejack and Rainbow Dash. My thoughts wandered to Halloween and my talk with Twilight. I'm quite surprised by my sudden outburst, barfing up those emotions onto her. Even now I am still embarrassed. My other train of thought was to what she said, the girls not carrying that they were putting on weight. Something in the back of my mind was nagging me, telling me that I should know the answer. But I could linger on such thoughts as Rainbow Dash came from behind and slapped my back, nearly making me fall.

"Hey Sunstone! You shouldn't think too hard, I can see smoke come out of your ears," announced Dash, laughing at my pain.

"Be a bit gentle with old Sunstone, we have buffed up a bit," condemned Applejack, putting her fists on her hefty hips.

"Darn right we are!" Rainbow Dash brushed off Applejack's accusation and raised one of her arms up and flexed. A noticeable swell grew on her biceps but there was little definition as it was covered in a thick layer of pudge. There was also another bulge but this was below her arm, the start of a bat wing.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Come on gang or will be let out for the competition." She then grabbed my hand and with great strength, pulled me into the fair.

After passing past a multitude of confectionery tents and carnival games, we eventually reached a large open field with the occasional smashed pumpkin littering the grassy plain. By a line on the ground were a couple of burly men holding good size pumpkins and throwing them into the field.

"Here we are!" Exclaimed Applejack. I stumbled ahead as Applejack's forward momentum suddenly stopped. 

"What is this?" I asked. 

"Pumpkin Chungking, some of our favorite fair sports," Dash proudly said. 

"Pumpkin chungking?" I asked, sounding confused. 

"Here, give it a try," said Dash as she picked up a pumpkin and threw it to me. Air was blown out of my chest as I caught the heavy pumpkin, almost stumbling over. "Now throw it as far as you can." Pointed Dash to the open field. Not knowing what to do, with a grunt, I heaved the pumpkin into the air and… fell with a plop just ten feet away from me.

"Hahahaha," laughed Dash before she was punched in the arm by Applejack. 

"Not everyone cas chuck a pumpkin. It takes time and training to do it properly." Applejack walked up to a fresh pumpkin and picked it up. Then placed it on her shoulder, putting her hand under it, and with a loud grunt propelled the orange gourd into the air. When it landed it was quite away from my pathetic throw, about fifty feet to be exact. Applejack smiled proudly as she stepped away from the line. 

"Amazing!" I praise her.

"You've seen nothing yet," said Dash, pointing to her puffed up chest, inadvertently making her growing breasts look bigger. She quickly scooped up a nearby pumpkin and held it in between her two hands. Then she began to spin, faster and faster until she lifted her arms and threw the orange squash. Flying through the air it landed right next to Applejack's pumpkin. "See, better!"

"Yours is the same distance as mine," Applejack said flatly. 

"No, mine is clearly further than yours!" whined Dash. 

"We don't have time to argue. They'll announce the winners later today, we have other activities to do," said Applejack as she grabbed my hand. Unknown to me was the jealousy in Dash's eyes as she clenched her fists. 


We went from competition to competition while the tension between the two girls grew. 

They started with the corn dog eating contest, Applejack and Rainbow Dash kept trying to one up each other, more or less ending in a draw. Although they didn't win the contest as they were 30 dogs away from the winner. 

The last competition they did was the Apple Cider Drinking Contest. Same as before Applejack and Dash drank until they were drunk (but not from alcohol but just from the sheer amount) but still not enough to win. 

"I *hick* win," Dash said slurring her words as she wobbled down the stage holding her large extended belly.

"Nuh-uh, *burp* I drank you under the table," burped Applejack, followed Dash close behind doing the same.

Dash then fell forward and slumped over me. I blushed as I could feel her large breasts and hard stomach. "Tell me I *burp* won Sunstone," wheezed Dash, her breath smelling like apples. 


"Don't inflate her ego like her stomach, she's too insufferable as she is," commented Applejack as she came from behind me and hugged me. A shiver went up my spine as I felt her breasts and hard belly pressed into my back.

"I think you all need a rest," I stuttered as I struggled to hold up the two buff heifers.

We were able to find a nice grassy spot and took a break. Within seconds of laying down they fell asleep, snoring all the way. It wasn't for a couple of hours before the two woke up and we continued our festivities. 

We hopped from booth to booth as, again, Applejack and Dash competed for prizes. From basketball hoops, pinball cups to shooting out the star. Everything was a competition to these girls.

In the end I was given a large stuffed shark from Rainbow Dash in one arm and a giant stuffed apple from Applejack in the other. They said it was gifts for helping them today although they seem bashful saying that.

After a rowdy show of Demolition Bash the sun was setting and the girls were exhausted. After a final round of elephant ears (fried dough) that can fill up an elephant, we were on our way home. 

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