Week 15

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The first speckles of snow gently floated down from the gray skies. I puffed up my jacket's collar as a soft cold breeze blew through the now empty trees. Just up ahead I can see Fluttershy's cottage with her animal sanctuary behind. With a final push of my shivers I walked up the path and knocked on her door.

The door slowly creaked open, the warm light of the house spilling out to reveal a fat girl hiding behind her long pink locks. Just as she saw it was me her face lighted up as a huge smile grew on her chubby cheeks. 

"Sunstone you're here," said Fluttershy joyfully as she opened the door fully.

"Yea, so this is your animal sanctuary?" I ask as I step into the cottage. Inside was what I exactly expected Fluttershy's house would look like, everything cute and covered in plants. I could see animals skittering across the room, jumping from house planet to house planet, and sleeping on the furniture, just like a crazy cat lady's house, just with more wildlife. 

"Oh it's in the back. I just let them roam around the house during the cold months," she giggled to herself as she closed the door behind me.


"Now watch your step, Pinkie Pie in is the kitchen making animal treats," Fluttershy said before leading me through a maze of small woodland creatures. I followed closely to her, but not too close so I can keep an I on Fluttershy backside. Even a loser like myself can't deny the beauty of a good butt.

It was no secret that Fluttershy's weight gain was mainly focused on her hips and rump, and her skirt did not hide that. From her face to her chest she was relatively the same, with probably some extra padding for her bust. She sported a nice soft potbelly just hovering above her waist. But what took the cake and all of its calories went to her butt. Her wide hips rocked as her thigh-high pink skirt had just enough give to allow it to swish with her hips. But, was it me or was Fluttershy purposely making her hips swing harder than normal, as if she was putting on a show for me.

We both eventually reached the kitchen to where I was greeted by another pair of huge buttocks sticking right towards us. Before us was Pinkie Pie, her huge butt bouncing to the beat of her humming as she took out a tray of treats from the oven. She turned around and gave us a large warm smile. 

Pinkie was wearing a pink and green Christmas sweater with flashing lights with all the trimmings. Her blue jeans hugged her butt like it was painted on, groaning with every move her thick chunky legs made. She was in the same boat as Fluttershy, slim-ish at top and blubbery at the bottom. 

"Hey Sunstone, great you can make it. It is always good to have an extra pair of hands for Fluttershy's winterization!" Pinkie cheered.

"Um thanks, what do you need me to do," I asked as I tried to look around and not linger on either Pinkie's or Fluttershy's rump.

"Oh distribute these treats to the animals," Fluttershy jumped in holding a tray of animal treats in the shape of gingerbread men. I nodded and took the tray. For being food for the animals they smelled great. I guess Pinkie can make great food for both animals and people alike. 

I moved around the room and handed out the food. One by one the room was filled with the sounds of animals nibbling, crunching, and gnawing at Pinkie's creation. Everyone looked happy until I got to this small white rabbit. 

He looked grumpily at me, eyeing me up and down. I was surprisingly intimidated by this aggressive rabbit as I nervously handed him a cookie. He raised his eyebrow at me and took a sniff of the treat. With a huff he snatched the treat and nibbled on it, still not dropping his suspicions glare at me. 

"Wonderful now everyone is happy," Pinkie smiled with glee as she took out another tray of cookies from out of the oven, these ones made for people to eat. I looked over the table and was surprised by the spread of cookies that Pinkie Pie has made.

"Um, do you think that too much?" I asked, knowing that was a stupid question after seeing Applejack and Rainbow Dash eat enough to satisfy a country fair last week.

"Of course, but first let's head to the back to help Fluttershy with the preparation," Pinkie giggled as she pushed me out of the kitchen and into the backyard. She was surprisingly pushy, more so than normal. 

Outside was the Fluttershy sanctuary proper. There were a couple of trees with many small homes made for birds and little critters. Around the trees and field there are many other small houses made for more medium-sized animals like dogs, foxes, and raccoons. One of them I could swear that one of them was made for a bear. All in all this place was for animals to come rest up and heal before going back to nature. 

"Hey Fluttershy we're here to help," Pinkie yelled before giggling to herself sounding strangely suspicious. 

"Oh… um, I'm over here," cried out Fluttershy, sounding nervous yet eager.

We turned the corner, Pinkie leading the way, to see a small dog house. My eyes nearly jumped out of its skull upon seeing Fluttershy. Before us was Fluttershy, and her huge backside was wedged stuck in between the entrance of this dog house. 

"Um, hey, uh, it appears that I'm… I'm kinda stuck," Fluttershy stuttered with a nervous smile as she attempted to wiggle her bulbous hips to no avail. I stared slack jawed as my brain short circuited. 

Pinkie Pie then nudged me, giggling to herself. "Hey, be a gentleman and help her out."

"Huh? Oh, yes, um," I stammered as I shook myself out of my stupor. I slowly stepped forward and kneeled down in front of the round twin moons before me. "Um, how…?" I asked not wanting to do anything uncomfortable or inappropriate. 

"Uh, just… just put your hands around my hips and um, pull." Fluttershy blush hard but had a weird smile on her face. I took a deep breath and did what I was told. Fluttershy squeaked as I firmly grabbed hold of her posterior, feeling the large soft mounds through her skirt. It felt much more firmer than I expected as my fingers sank into her soft hips. I was as red as a tomato as I gently tried to pull Fluttershy out of her predicament. 

Surprisingly she seems to be not that stuck because after just a few quick pulls she popped right out. This was so sudden I didn't have time to react as Fluttershy's huge rump came crashing backwards and landing on my lap. If I could go redder I would as I felt her soft cushions engulfed my thighs entirely. 

"Um, thank you Sunstone," Fluttershy said shyly. 

"Uh, no problem," I answered bashfully. Before things got more awkward, I put my hands around Fluttershy's squishy midsection and lifted her up to her feet with me following soon after.

"Well, what are you waiting for, we got work to do," Pinkie Pie instructed, talking as if nothing awkward had happened. 

"Uh yea, work to do," I nervously chuckled, scooting myself away from Fluttershy. Just as I rounded the corner both girls giggled mischievously. 

The rest of the day was attending to the many animal houses in Fluttershy's sanctuary, replacing hay, repairing wood, filling up drafts, and just light touches here and there. Although strangely I had to rescue either Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy multiple times from being stuck in all sorts of places. At the end I was starting to think either they weren't aware of their enlarged backside or they were doing this on purpose, but… nah.

Equestria High: Friendship by Weight Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin