Week 14

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I groaned as my wimpy muscles shook as I lifted the bucket of apples from under the tree.

"Wow I thought boys were meant to be stronger than girls," heckled Rainbow Dash as she also lifted a bucket of apples but with much more ease.

"Come on Dash, not all guys are as athletic as you," retorted Applejack as she somehow put a basket of apples onto each thick broad shoulder of hers, her bursting soft yet firm biceps showing through her chunky arms. Dash looked at Applejack begrudgingly before shifting her buckle to one shoulder and playing another bucket on the other shoulder. I rolled my eyes at Dash's competitiveness toward Applejack.

It was not a long walk to the barn but it felt like I ran a mile with how tired I was. I looked up at the two growing girls and wondered how they managed not just the hard work but their new large bodies. It is now very clear to me how big these girls have gotten these last couple of months but Applejack and Rainbow Dash were just built differently.

In her traditional plaid orange shirt and blue jeans Applejack was as thick as the widest tree in her orchard. Her huge backside was round and firm, perfectly filling her jeans to their absolute limits. Her legs were no different as under her pudge you can see the strong muscles of a hard working farm girl. In fact this was true all over her body, a dense layer of fat over her rippling muscles that added to her overall bulk. And if I can see under her fatty belly straining her button shirt I'll bet you can still see her abs.

Rainbow Dash was no different. In her tight blue jacket and her black yoga pants with a rainbow thunderbolt, Dash looked like a fat female version of David of Michaelangelo. With her bulging thighs that rocked like a boat, her thick midsection, and her hefty but perky breasts she was Amazon but with extra layers of cake and sports drinks. Looking at the two it's hard to tell that they weighed nearly 250 pounds.

Finally we got to the barn and I dropped my load as my arms felt numb.

"Hey, be careful with that. Don't want them apples to get bruised," Applejack snapped as she placed her two loads by a pile of baskets filled with apples.

Now it was time for Rainbow Dash to come to my defense. "Hey don't be too hard on him, besides if any of them bruise you can make apple cider with them," Dash snarky said before her stomach growled.

"Ha, at least he's better than you at controlling his urges. If I wasn't keeping an eye on you you would have bruised them all just so you can force me to make them into cider. Just yesterday you drank ten gallons of my supply!" Applejack snapped back as she wiped her brow.

"Well if you don't hoard so much of it I wouldn't need to sneak in the dead of night to get some," Dash huffed, putting her baskets down before she put her fists onto her wide hips.

"You know I was saving it until it fermented just right," Applejack shot back as she took a step toward Dash, both girls breasts colliding making both bounced a little.

"Oh yea?!" Dash sneered as she gave the stink eye toward Applejack.

"Yea!" Applejack barked back, copying Dash's actions.

"Hey girls calm down," I said trying to defuse the ticking time bomb before me. "Why don't we take a break and take a load off. We have been working all morning."

"Fine, besides granny had made some snacks for us," Applejack coincided, stepping away from Dash.

"Finally I have been hungry for some carbs," stated Rainbow Dash as she slapped her round but firm stomach.


I stare dumbfoundedly at the table before me. "Some snacks" must mean an entire bake sale for the Apples. Everything from apple strudels, apple pies, apple fritters, caramel and candy apples, apple slices, picked apples, cinnamon apples, and anything with the word 'apple', it was on the table fit for a family gathering.

"Thanks Gran!" Yelled Applejack as she took a seat. Rainbow Dash was much more forward and just started to grab food, stuff herself with an orchard worth of apples. I looked at Applejack and questioned how anyone could survive on an apple based diet but I'm not here to judge.

"Wow, this is a spread," I said as I picked up a slice of apple pie.

"Yea Granny likes to keep us well fed given the work we do," beamed Applejack proudly as she stuffed a whole fritter into her mouth. Rainbow Dash just put up her thumb, not stopping her feast of sugar and apples.

I ate slowly as I watched the two hard working girls ate like a horse, gobbling everything like this was their last meal. At this point it's been a common occurence to see my friends eat like pigs, as it was standing to affect my, um, enjoyment of these meals.

I watch as Dash takes a stine and fills it up with cider and drinks it if it was air. I stared at Applejack as she frocked a whole spiced apple pie in seconds, not leaving a crumb behind. I observed Dash jacket ride up, her blue belly expanding before my eyes. I gawk at Applejack seeing her button shirt strained to contain her bloated body. Applejack and Rainbow Dash leered at each other almost as if the two made a silent agreement to a food eating contest. It is almost amusing to watch these girls turn everything between them into a competition, even if it is mostly annoying to deal with.

It was an hour when this massacre of food came to a close. Both girls were breathing shallowly as their stomach rises up and down, fully exposed for everyone to see.

"I... I think I eat too much," groaned Applejack, her body flopped on her chair like a ragdoll on a hot day in Death Valley (her words not mine).

Rainbow Dash literally couldn't say anything as she tried to put an apple cider doughnut into her mouth, only to be blocked by another doughnut in her mouth. I had to hold down her arm to stop her from choking herself with greasy food.

"I think you need to take a break from your "taking a break"," I said, helping both Applejack and Rainbow Dash to their feet. They protested by groaning but that was all they could muster as I led both overstuffed girls into the living room. I let Applejack take the rocking chair while Rainbow Dash took the couch. Almost immediately they both fell asleep snoring loudly. I plopped myself onto a different chair and followed suit. For the rest of the evening we just slept the day away as the girls digested their apple based calorie bomb, dreaming of there next meal.

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