Chapter 37: Confession?

Start from the beginning

And why is Yeonjun glowing right now? Why did he suddenly look so good?

'What if I confessed right now?' Soobin wondered. 'Would it be too risky? What if he rejects me? Our bond would...'

'But what if he accepts me? Wouldn't it be great? We could be more than whatever we are now, I could be more than just his sneaky link..'

All it took was a leap of courage. When if not now?



"I have something to...tell you" Soobin mustered up the courage.

"Spill it out, I'm listening"

"A-Actually... I..."

Just then, Yeonjun's phone rang, interrupting the heart-racing moment. Yeonjun pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Wait a bit, 'kay?" He said then got out of bed and walked towards the window to take the call.

Soobin used the time to try to calm down and rethink it through. It wasn't a good idea to give into the heat of the moment and just confess out of nowhere. Just because Yeonjun was suddenly being a decent human being, it didn't excuse his previous actions. Soobin couldn't bring himself to trust someone like that, he wasn't sure Yeonjun would be the right person to give his heart to.

The more he thought about it, the bigger his dilemma grew.

"I'm back" Yeonjun returned shortly after.

"Who was it on the phone?"
Soobin wasn't sure he had the right to ask, but he did anyway.

"Just Beomgyu calling to spout nonsense again, don't worry. You wanted to say something?"

"Oh, uh... I was just wondering why you were so mad last night"

"That, huh" Yeonjun cleared his throat and began. "I was mad you let that random drunkard touch you"

"And? I know there's more to it than just that"

The older sighed. He wanted to keep Soobin out of it, but judging from the way those doe eyes were staring right into his, desperately seeking answers, Yeonjun knew he couldn't keep Soobin in the dark forever.

"Your uh.. manager... is my ex"

Soobin kind of expected that, to be honest. But he was still shocked at how small the world could be. An uneasy feeling planted in his mind yet again.

"How come you guys broke up?"

"It was my fault. I've let her down and never admitted I was wrong. We dated in high school so, it was a long time ago"

'So that's why Yeji seemed so sad talking about it' thought Soobin. 'Will I have to go through the same thing?'

"She once told me" Soobin admitted.

"Really? What stuff?"

"She didn't mention your name; just, told me she once dated a douche back in high school. But she doesn't care anymore. Guess that douche was you, huh?"

Yeonjun simply nodded. Soobin took it as a sign of him not wanting to talk further about this matter and changed the topic.

"I'm pretty hungry, hyung"

"Let's go eat then" Yeonjun playfully scooped Soobin up in his arms and took him to the kitchen.


"Cup ramen again? Don't you have proper food to eat?" Soobin complained.

"I do have the ingredients but... I'm too lazy to cook right now. Or we can order something"

"I... wanted to try your cooking" Soobin pouted and Yeonjun glared at him. He gave in, nevertheless. Who could say no to such cute bunny charms?

"Fine. I'll make some noodle soup for you"

Soobin immediately smiled after his request was granted. "Oh- and, can I have a piece of paper to write on? I've got homework to do"

"Yah! Don't use your sore legs as an excuse to order me around" Yeonjun scolded.

"It was your idea to make me unable to walk... you wild beast"

"You loved it too so don't complain" Yeonjun placed a piece of paper and a pencil on the dining table in front of Soobin before tying up his apron and started cooking.

At the moment, all Soobin could think about was Yeonjun Yeonjun and Yeonjun. He couldn't bring himself to say it aloud, so he jotted his feelings down into the note as an assignment, which would later be evaluated by his professor.

As a songwriting major, Soobin had written plenty of songs already. But he was never good at coming up with lyrics for a love song.

His eyes couldn't help but wander to Yeonjun as he wrote. Was this the feeling they called helplessly in love? The lovesick syndrome?

Ten minutes later, Yeonjun was done with cooking and placed two bowls of noodle soup on the table.

"Dunno if it's edible but I tried," Yeonjun said. Setting his writing materials aside, Soobin hurried to taste his hyung's cooking.

"Uhm!!! It's good!"

Yeonjun couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of himself. "Eat up, then"

His eyes then caught a glimpse of the lyrics written by Soobin. Intrigued, he picked it up and read aloud.

"Even on a dark moonlit winter night when I saw you
Shine clearly with the beautiful stars
This is dreamlike love don't you know yet
You always change me
I'm happy to be here"

"Ah!!  Stop! Stop reading that! How embarrassing!" Soobin covered his face with his hands, hiding his pinkish cheeks.

Yeonjun laughed. "Sounds like the writer is super in love" he continued.

"I keep laughing when I see you
The excitement that comes to mind when I see you
I was hidden by the clouds abovе
But you look at me with your heart, love so sweet
So bеautiful I can feel it"

Soobin couldn't stand listening to his own cringy lyrics and snatched the paper away. "Enough! Enough! I shouldn't have let you see it"

"It appears that way to me. Who are you in love with, Bin-ah?"

"Bullshit. The professor assigned us to write a love song so..."

Lies. There were no topics assigned. He could've written about world wars or whatever.

"Sure, if you say so" Yeonjun shrugged and sat down with Soobin, ready to taste his own cooking.

With a still blushing face, Soobin set the paper aside and continued eating together happily.

To be continued...

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Hopefully 2024 will be kinder to all of us •~• let's get our resolutions done for real this time haha

The lyrics Soobin wrote is from Love Sight if u haven't noticed <3

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