"Bonnie, Mira you can't tell him" Elena tells us.

"The hell I can't, you can't boss me around" I tell her.

"Why? You gonna compel us not too?" Bonnie challenges.

"You know, you guys are ruining a perfect funeral" Matt tells us.

"I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday" Bonnie tells Care.

"I'm coming" I tell her. "It's time for Grayson to go to bed anyway" I state. "Happy Birthday Caroline" I say then leave with Bonnie and Grayson.

"Need a lift?" Bonnie asks and I nod. We get into her car. "So you gonna tell Jeremy?" she asks.

"I don't know" I tell her with a sigh. "If I tell him, he'll get mad at Elena and they'll fight again" I state. "I hate seeing them fight" I add.

"So we just don't tell him?" she asks me.

"Not right now, but we will. Besides Klaus nearly got him killed. Maybe it is good he leaves for a while" I state.

"What about you and Grayson?" she asks me.

"I have been thinking about it, but right now I just want to make sure Jeremy is ok" I tell her. She nods and drops me off at home. I put Grayson to bed and spoke to Jeremy. He is really excited about going to Denver. I told him Grayson and I will visit him sometime. I then showered and got ready for bed.

I was sleeping soundly, when I woke up to a pain in my chest. I gasp in pain and grab the hilt of a dagger in my chest. "No hard feelings Mira, can't have Klaus making more hybrids" I hear Stefan say. Before my world goes dark.

(Time skip)

I wake with a gasp. I sit up and see myself in an unfamiliar room. "Easy love, you've bee through a lot" Klaus tells me as he enters the room.

"What happened?" I ask him confused.

"Stefan killed you, tried to kill Elena too" he states.

"What? Why would he do that?" I demand as tears appear in my eyes. "Oh my god, where's Grayson?" I demand.

"Shush, calm down love. He is fine" he assures me looking to the right. I follow his gaze and relax when I see Grayson sleeping soundly in a portable cot.

"Where are we?" I ask Klaus.

"My mansion, I brought you both here after I heard Stefan had killed you" he states.

"If he killed me, how am I here?" I ask him confused. He gives me a look. "I had vampire blood in my system" I state. "But, how? I don't remember drinking any" I state.

"It's in the special coffee Tyler would give you every morning. I told him to give it to you" he states.

"It was your blood" I state and he nods his head. I hug him tightly. "Thank you Klaus, if not for you Grayson would have lost me" I say and start to cry tears of joy.

"Love, you know what you have to do next" he tells me pushing me a way gently. "You're in transition. You can either die or drink this bag and live for your son" he states holding out a blood bag.

"Of course I want to live" I tell him. Taking the blood bag. "Will you help me?" I ask him.

"Of course, it's my duty as your sire and I'd be honoured to help you" he tells me. "Now drink and get some rest. You've had a long night" he states. I nod my head and drink the blood bag. Then put it in the bin once it was empty. I lay down and he tucks me in. "Sleep well" he tells me before turning the light off and leaves me to sleep.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now