Atlas Touchdown (Volume 7 Chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

One of the pilots manning the ship turns around to face the man.

Pilot: You threw a brick at our ship.

The man sits up proudly.

??? It's WORTH it if it gets people talking about our cause!

The pilot sighs in annoyance.

Blake: Our cause?

???: Yes! The fight for better conditions in Mantle! Lead by the charismatic, talented, lovely Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses!

Having heard enough, the pilot presses a button on their cockpit, closing a window separating the cab and the back of the ship. Noticing this, the man stands to his feet and faces the two pilots.

???: They were all top Atlas Academy graduates, who could've signed up for the military, but Robyn and the Huntresses chose to stay in Mantle! She's gunning for a seat on the Kingdom's council, and when she gets it, she's gonna put an end to Ironwood's TYRANNY!

Jake lets out an annoyed growl under his breath.

Jake: Can this guy shut up already...? He's starting to give me a migraine.

Heath: With you on that one, brother...

Heath replies, his knees balled up to his ears to block out the man's voice.

Oscar: Happy... Huntresses.

Yang: Is that their real name?

Weiss: Don't you think tyranny is a little dramatic?

The man turns around to retort, but stops as he notices who spoke to him. With a dirty glare, he lets out a scoff.

???: Easy to say for a Schnee heiress, living comfortably up in Atlas.

Weiss lets out a sigh and glances away.

Weiss: Not anymore.

Suddenly, the ship rises rapidly in altitude, forcing the man to sit back down. When it eventually plateaued, Ruby looked out the window, and despite her frustrations with the situation, she couldn't help but let out a small gasp in awe at the view that lay before her.

Ruby: Woah... it's... gorgeous...

Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Heath stand up and walk over to the window to watch the view for themselves.

Weiss: Don't let that fool you.

???: Hm?

Confused at Ruby's awing, he stands up and looks out the window, furthering himself deeper in confusion at what he saw.

???: This... isn't the police station.

Qrow: It's... Atlas Academy.

Realizing that this was for them, the party stands up before the doors of the ship. Soon, the doors swing open by a pair of guards, allowing the party to exit the aircraft and onto Atlas Academy's campus. More guards lined up further down the road, motioning for the party to continue walking.

Ruby: I guess we WILL be seeing the General... for better or worse.

Heath: What do you think he's gonna do to us...?

Qrow: I'm... not sure. But, considering how his men had just rough-housed us... I wouldn't expect a very warm welcome.

Jake: Hopefully, we'll get some answers on Apollo's whereabouts, too.

Ruby glances at the group and nods.

Ruby: Let's keep on our guard, everyone.

And with that, the party is escorted by the guards as they walk down the road of Atlas Academy's campus.

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