Klaus' Family Missing

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys" I say.

"Mira, how's my favourite nephew?" Jeremy asks.

"He's your only nephew and he is fine" I assure him.

"Here" Tyler says. Handing me the usual thermos. It has coffee in it. I drink it every time we meet. He is better at making coffee then Matt is.

"Thanks, I needed a coffee" I tell him. I remove the lid and take a sip.

"Little man keeping you up?" he asks.

"A new tooth is coming in" I state. "Mind if I have a shot?" I ask. Gesturing to the crossbow.

"Think you can handle it?" Jeremy asks teasingly. I hand Grayson to Tyler and take the crossbow from Jeremy. "Don't hurt yourself Mira" he tells me as I load the arrow. I roll my eyes and aim at a can. I fire and hit it.

"Nice shot" Tyler cheers.

"It's a gift" I say shrugging as I hand the crossbow back to Jeremy. "Dad taught me how to use one, one summer" I state. I have some more coffee as Jeremy goes to collect a few arrows.

"So what's the point of this again?" Jeremy asks Tyler.

"The point is I'm pissed at Caroline and Bonnie dumped your ass. Mira broke up with Matt. The point is to get drunk and shoot stuff" Tyler states.

"Correction, for you two to get drunk. I'm just here to shot stuff" I correct him.

"Profound. Alaric finds out I took this he is gonna use it on me" Jeremy states. He reloads the crossbow as Tyler hands me Grayson and goes to get himself another drink.

"So what's the deal with that? He is like your guardian now?" Tyler asks us.

"Sort of, yeah. I think he feels responsible for us" Jeremy answers.

"Do you guys like him?" Tyler asks.

"He's great, he is so good with Grayson" I state.

"Yeah. Yeah-I like him" Jeremy says as he aims the crossbow. "You wanna move out of the way?" he asks Tyler. Who chuckles.

"I'm a hybrid, Gilbert. You can't kill me unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart. And you're not gonna do it with that lame ass crossbow! Go ahead!! Take a shot! Unless you don't think you can hit me" Tyler dares him.

Jeremy aims the crossbow and shoots at Tyler. Tyler catches the arrow. They laugh. "Don't follow their example" I tell Grayson. Who coos happily making grabby hands at the crossbow.

"Looks like he wants a shot" Tyler states.

"Yeah, no. He is to young" I tell him. "We can teach him when he's ten or something" I state.

"Fair enough" he says. "My turn Gilbert" he tells Jeremy. Who hands him the crossbow. I sit on a log and continue to enjoy my coffee. I even gave Gray his bottle. Before putting him down for his late morning nap.

A couple hours later. We decide it's time for lunch. But first Jeremy and I had to pick up a few things from our house. When we arrive, we see Alaric and Elena. "Hey guys" I say and go upstairs to change Grayson. He had pooed his pants and I forgot to bring a change of clothes in his nappy bag. Once he was dressed, I go back downstairs. "Ok Jere, we're ready to go" I state.

"Change of plans, we're staying her for lunch" he tells me. I see he invited Tyler in.

"Fine with me" I state. "Need help in the kitchen?" I ask Elena as I hand Grayson to Jeremy. Who puts him in his bouncer. She nods and I go help her. Soon we are all sitting at the table enjoying lunch. Well I am, though I sense tension amongst the others. "Something wrong?" I ask them.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now