Chapter 32: Tess POV

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I slammed the front door to our house shut behind me. I felt like I was going to throw up. How could Declan's father talk to me like that? A gold digger?

That's what I was to his father, even after sticking by Declan's side despite him nearly getting us killed in Rio. Even after refusing to give up on him, even though he had given up on himself. That's all I would ever be to his father, so what difference did it make? Why stay?

It would only complicate Declan's life, anyways. Every time Declan refused to submit to his father's will, it backfired and Declan ended up getting hurt. It wasn't worth jeopardizing him any longer.

I knew I had to leave this marriage. Not just for my sake, but for his. But that didn't mean it hurt any less. The first time in a long time, I felt something for somebody. Something intense. I didn't fall easily, but when I did, I fell hard. Now, I was left wondering if I would be able to pick myself back up. This was one fall I truly didn't think I could ever recover from.

I pulled into the parking lot of the bar. It was small and dumpy. But right now, I didn't want anything fancy, as it would only remind me of Declan.

I entered through the cold, metal doors. They creaked as they opened. It smelled of sweat and booze inside. There was barely any lighting and it was cold. I shivered and wished I had brought a jacket.

I took my seat at the bar. There were a couple of biker guys with tattoos on my left. A young couple sat to my right.

I needed something stronger than wine today. The bartender came over to me. Sweat glistened on his forehead, and I could tell he was overworked. "I'll take an old fashioned," I said.

He didn't even respond. He just lifted his chin in a slight nod, and turned his back to the back shelf.

It didn't take long for him to return. I took the cool drink and sipped on it. It was strong, but that's what I needed. After all, they say whiskey's supposed to drown a memory.

After I was finished, I ordered another. In between, the biker guys left and a couple young, college guys took their places. A blond guy with chin length hair tried picking me up, but I politely brushed him off.

More time passed, and I sat there sipping on my drink. I watched as the young couple to my right paid their tab and left.

I turned around when a familiar voice called out beside me. "Fancy seeing you here."

I knew who the voice belonged to, even before I turned around. My heart sank, as I turned my head to meet Steve's gaze.

"What-what are you doing here?" I stammered.

"Same as you. Having a drink. Trying to escape reality for a bit," he replied back.


He waved his hand. "Tess, don't. I'm not here to cause any trouble. I want to apologize. I shouldn't have kissed you without your consent. I really am sorry."

I stared in his eyes for a long moment to see if he was genuine. "Thank you, Steve."

He grinned and then added, "I promise I won't kiss you again until you ask."

"You're going to be keeping that promise for a long time," I said with a small laugh.

"Maybe so," he replied.

He ordered a beer and then directed his attention back towards me. "Is something bothering you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because bars, especially like this, aren't really your scene," he pointed out.

I sighed. I told him what happened at Declan's family dinner in New York City. Steve just listened quietly; not making any attempt to interrupt me.

When I was done, he finally said, "Well, his dad sounds like a real idiot. You're a great girl, Tess, and he should be thanking his lucky stars that it's you who married his son."

He thought a minute, then said, "If you ever need somebody to listen, I'm always here. Like I said, I'll be sticking around... for now."

I nodded. He added in a more hushed tone, "I want you in my life, Tess, even if it's only as friends. I'd rather that than lose you again."

"Friends," I repeated, thoughtfully. "That much I can promise you," I said.

He gave me one of those warm smiles he was always so good at giving. Even though I was no longer in love with him, I did love him. We had been through too much together to throw it away now.

That last thought stuck in my head, as my mind shifted to Declan. We had been through so much together. Was I making the right choice by cutting him off? 

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