Chapter 4: Declan POV

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I broke off the kiss and took a wide step back. I could tell she enjoyed it more than she wanted to. Perhaps I, too, enjoyed it more than I should have. Applause and cheers erupted from our very small audience, but the small room had an echo to it that made five people sound like a hundred. I reached over and grabbed her hand to help her step down off the main platform. She tilted her head up and her eyes locked with mine. I couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"There you go, Mrs. Scott." I replied  after helping her down. She grimaced. "You know, you're going to have to get used to that."

"I don't have to get used to anything", she fired back.

"You're mine now, Angel, and that means-"

She cut me off, "Believe me, I'm no Angel." Indeed she was right. Her eyes held the fires of Hell, no glimpse of Heaven to them at all.

We had agreed on no dinner after the ceremony, and I could tell she was just itching to leave. I cleared my throat. "Well, go on. Go home if you want. But tomorrow I expect you to be in your best casual attire at six AM."

I smirked as confusion swept over her face. "Well, the plane leaves at seven AM..."

Her face got angrier. "Plane?! What plane?!"

I gave it a few seconds for her to figure it out. "Oh... the plane," she muttered half under her breath.

"No way!" she exclaimed. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Do you got that, you moron?"

I did my best to muster up a hurt expression. "I'm offended that you think so lowly of me, your own dear husband."

She turned her back and began walking away but I caught her by her wrist and spun her around. "You can go where you like tonight, but the plane leaves for Rio De Janeiro tomorrow." My facial expression went firm as I added, "and you'll be on it."

Our honeymoon. The tickets were non-refundable. She huffed, pulled her hand free, and walked towards the exit, slamming the door behind her.

This one will be fun, I thought to myself.

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