Chapter 25: Tess POV

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My alarm clock blared, and I pulled my pillow over my head and ears to block out the noise. I decided to sleep at my old house last night, because I really didn't want to be alone. My mother was thrilled to have me back for the night, and I could tell she enjoyed the company. We watched a movie before I headed upstairs to my old room.

I reached over and quickly pushed the off button. I sat up, yawned, and stretched. It was already 9:45 am. Sooner or later, I would have to face Steve.

My mother called out from downstairs, "Tess, there's somebody here to see you!"

I realized it would be sooner rather than later. I groaned. I really just wanted to be left alone with my own thoughts, but I knew Steve long enough to know that he doesn't give up easily. He would just wait for me, all day if he had to.

I quickly got ready and put on a pretty floral tank top and skinny jeans. I made my way downstairs and to the front door, which was still hanging open with Steve leaning on the doorframe. He had a bouquet of crimson roses, and he offered them to me.

I took them. "Thanks, Steve. They're really pretty."

"So are you," he replied, eyeing me up and down. I blushed.

"Steve, we should talk about this."

He just nodded. "Yes, we should," he agreed. "I know just the place."

He waved me forward with his hand, and I turned to go put the roses inside first. I bumped into my mother and I blurted out, "how long were you standing there?!"

"Long enough," she said cheerfully, taking the roses from me. "You two have fun!"

My mother always liked Steve. I think she secretly hoped I would marry him someday. To be honest, I probably would have if he had stayed local after high school. Everybody loved Steve. He was charming, charismatic, and a ladies' man. He was an A student in high school, and great at sports. He had brought his team to the championship twice. He had a calm demeanor and a kind heart. The girls at our school used to be so jealous of me, because he was mine. Everything was perfect in our relationship except timing. Time was never on our side.

I turned to my mother. "I won't be too long."

She grinned. "Take as long as you need, honey." I just rolled my eyes.

Steve pulled up to a drive-in movie theater. It was broad daylight, so there was absolutely no other soul around. The large, white projector screen hung devoid of anything. The only other sound was the chirping of the birds.

Steve and I hopped out of his truck. He placed a couple large blankets down in the back of his truck bed, and helped me up into it.

He was trying to mimic our first date. He had bought the same bouquet of roses, and drove me off to a drive-in movie then. Only it was dark then and there was actually a movie. I don't remember much except that it was some cheesy rom-com. Now, it was just us. No movie. No audience.

"Steve, what are you doing?" I asked gently.

He ignored my question completely. "Remember our first date?"


He continued anyways, staring off in the distance. "I took you to the drive-in movies to see that crappy rom-com, which we made fun of the entire time. Remember when the couple in their truck bed next to us got so mad at the jokes we were making they started throwing popcorn at us?"

I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape. It was a good night. "I could never forget."

"Yeah, those were good times," he finished.

"But they were a long time ago," I pointed out.

He shook his head. "Maybe so." He turned his body to face me, and grabbed my hands in his. "But that doesn't mean they have to stay memories."

"Steve, I can't. I'm married now!"

"I know that. Angela told me everything. She said it wasn't a marriage for love, so why stay in it? I work as a mechanic now, and I can start helping with your mother's medical bills. You don't need to stay married to somebody you don't love."

That last part felt like a punch in the gut. What did he know about who I loved?

"Steve," I began again, "I'm with Delcan now, for better or worse."

"Tess, I'm here to stay this time. I promise. I did my years in the military and now I'm a mechanic. I work locally and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I can support both you and your mom."

He tucked a loose piece of my hair behind my ear. I touched his hand and gently pushed it away from my face. "Please, don't do this," I begged him.

"Why not?"

"Because you're about to ruin everything."

"Why does it even matter? It's not like it's a real marriage. You two don't actually love each other, right?"

"Steve," I begged again, as he slid his hand up my thigh.

He looked offended and let out a groan of frustration, but he ultimately retracted his hand. "Fine, I'll stop. If that's what you really want." His words were harsh and cut me like a knife.

He hopped out of the truck bed, but before he could go any further I grabbed his shoulder. "Wait! I didn't say go."

"You made it clear you don't want me," he retorted, tugging himself free of my grasp.

"That's- that's not what I meant!" I protested. "I do want you, Steve. Just not like that anymore." He was already at the driver's side door. "You're my best friend, and I can't lose you again," my voice broke as I said that last part.

It was the hardest few years of my life when he was overseas. I would always go to sleep dreaming of men in uniform coming to my door to tell me he had been killed in combat. Aside from Angela, he was my best friend. I didn't want to lose him. Not again. Not now that he's within my reach once more. But I also didn't want to lose Declan, because whether Declan knew it or not, he had become a big part of my life already.

Steve turned to look at me. He studied me for a long time before he sighed. "If you ever cared about me, meet me at the seaport tomorrow at ten."

He then hopped in his car and started the engine. I slid out of the truck bed and pushed the tailgate back up, leaving the blankets in the bed. I slipped in the passenger side and he pulled away, leaving the lot even more empty than it was when we were here.

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