Chapter 5: Tess POV

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I killed the engine of my 2004 Ford Taurus and got out. My mom had taken a separate car to the ceremony because she had a few errands to run afterwards. I angrily stalked up to the front door of our little yellow brick house and burst through the front door, which, of course, my mom forgot to lock. The chemotherapy had taken a toll on her and made her very forgetful at times. About three months ago she finally became cancer free after a long time battle with Stage III lymphoma. It is a miracle that she's alive. Everything couldn't be more perfect... except, of course, the cumulating expensive medical bills that my waitress job just doesn't cut. Even with overtime I barely make enough to cover so much as half the minimum payments.

As soon as I arrived inside the house, I looked to the left where the kitchen was. I could make out a stack of neatly piled, thick white envelopes on the little circular brown table where my mom and I have shared so many dinners. I walked over and started to pick through them. Bills. Bills. And more bills. I slammed them down on the table. I realized that our money problems were about to end now that I married Declan. Soon these bills would be paid off and we would live comfortably again, instead of in fear and anxiety about the uncertainty of the future.

Then maybe, just maybe, I could file for a divorce from Declan. He doesn't know I'm considering that. Another lie.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about all the lies to my friends and family. I wiped them with my sleeve and sniffed. You have to do this for her, I told myself.

One day the lying would end but today wasn't that day. My phone buzzed and a text message from Angela, my best friend since elementary school, popped up. It read
Still out with him? Are you two sharing a room tonight?

I blushed and texted back NO! I told you, I just met him a month ago. I like to take things slow.

Of course Angela thinks we're just dating. But she's been pushing for me to spend time with him in that way ever since. Little does she know we will be spending plenty of time together in Rio De Janeiro starting tomorrow.

I hurried upstairs to strip out of my wedding dress and hang it carefully up. I watched TV for a couple of hours to pass the time. Eventually, I heard my mom enter through the front door and I glanced over at the clock. It was already 9:30 pm. I really wasn't sure what errands she was running this late but I knew better than to ask her. I almost left my room to greet her as she came up the small stairway leading to upstairs. But I heard her immediately enter her room and shut the door behind her. Whatever was wrong I knew she wanted some space. I figured if I had to get up early for the plane, I better get some shut eye while I still could. I quickly changed into my PJs and I was so exhausted I fell asleep moments before my body hit the mattress.

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I was in a dreamy stupor and half-heartedly tried to smack the off button. When that didn't work, I shot up and let out a little yell of frustration, effectively slamming my fist down onto the off button. The blaring alarm clock was traded for the beautiful songs of the songbirds outside. The morning June sun peeked through my blinds, leaving golden daggers scattered across my room. I  blinked the sleep out of my eyes and then looked over at the time. My eyes went as wide as saucers with worry when I realized what time it was. It was 5:30 am. Declan would be here in 30 minutes.

I shot out of bed and didn't bother to make it. I hurriedly showered, brushed my teeth, shaved, and combed my hair. I tossed some spare clothes and toiletries in my suitcase, which I had fortunately taken out the night before. I threw on a casual, ruffled three quarters shirt and some skinny jeans and hopped downstairs with my purse slung over my arm.

"You're up early," my mom said as she sat at the kitchen table reading the paper and sipping on her coffee. "Big day today, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I mumbled back.

"It will be fun! You know I always wanted to go to Rio!"

"Well, you can always go in place of me," I offered only half-jokingly.

My mother laughed. "Oh, come on! You know you'll love it. Take some pictures for me, will you?"

"Absolutely," I replied back. I was at the door and she asked, "Are you sure you don't want something to eat before you go?"

I glanced at the time on my phone. It was now 5:55 am. "No time," I answered as I pushed through the front door.

And what do you know. I walk outside to a black limo parked in front of my driveway. Two gentlemen dressed in black suits and dark sun glasses stood on each side of the back door of the limo. I approached and one of the men opened the door. "Mrs. Scott," he addressed me.

The second gentleman said, "here, let me take your bags, ma'am."

I mumbled a quick thanks and scooted into the limo. The leather seats were extremely comfortable, and I could see the chauffeur all the way in front. I almost forgot what nice things looked like. With all the medical bills, treating oneself is the last on the priority list.

"How about some champagne for my lovely wife," a smooth, silky voice called out from beside me.

I turned to see Declan sitting there with that crooked half-smile. I took the glass of champagne. "Trust me, I'm going to need a lot of this during this trip," I said rudely.

My remarks just egged him on. His smile got bigger. "Your wish is my command, Angel," he nearly sung to me.

I shot him a look, knowing this would be a very long trip. "To the airport, shall we?" he asked just as the engine started and limo pulled away.

The ArrangementDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora