Chapter 28: Tess POV

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I found a last minute flight out to New York City. Fate must have been on my side. I looked out the window, as the plane glided through the air. I saw all these tiny, sparkling specks that I knew were houses with the outside lights on. They looked like fallen stars down below against the jet black sky.

I had already been flying for three hours. Just another couple more to go and I would be in New York City. At midnight. Then, I would find where Declan was staying. I would run up to him and throw myself in his arms, and I would tell him how I felt. Easier said than done, of course.

I rested my head against the frosty, glass window, shut my eyes, and let the sweet dreams pull me into sleep. What better way to pass the time than sleep?

I was woken up by the pilot's voice on the speaker, letting us know we would be landing shortly. I blinked groggily, and heard many grumbles from other passengers, as they, too, woke up.

Another ten minutes passed, and the plane grazed the runway. I bounced up in my seat slightly, as the wheels first met the pavement. I disliked landings almost as much as takeoffs due to their roughness.

Once we were stopped, I waited in the long line of people to grab my luggage from the luggage rack above and exit the plane. Due to being late to buying my ticket, I was the last to board and subsequently stuck way in the back.

I didn't care, though. It was a small price to pay to see Declan.

I only brought a carry on with me, and stuffed a couple changes of clothes in it, as I wasn't planning on being here for more than a couple days. Besides, I was in New York City. I figured I'd do some shopping while I was here.

The sky was pitch black out when I stepped outside of the airport. The air was crisp, and I wished I had brought a heavier jacket with me. I took my phone out of my purse and texted Declan Hey. What hotel are you staying at? What floor and room?

I could only hope he was still up this late, as it was now slightly past midnight. It took a full minute, then my phone buzzed.

Four Seasons. Penthouse. Empire Suite.

My breath got caught in the back of my throat. I knew the Four Seasons was where all the rich people and celebrities stayed. I've heard the Empire Suite comprises half of the top floor. Declan really was living large. Of course he was. He had the means to, so why not?

I had taken a cab to the Four Seasons. The building was enormous and breathtaking. I handed the cab driver some cash, and scooted out of the back seat. I entered the skyscraper.

The lobby had high walls built with modern, beige bricks. The floor was shiny and in shades of browns and beiges. The floor was so shiny that I could see my reflection in it when I looked down.

I took the elevator to Declan's floor.

The ride up seemed to take forever, stopping at what seemed like every other floor to let people on and then off, only to repeat itself the entire way to the top floor. By the time the elevator reached the penthouse, it was just me. The doors opened and I stepped off.

I went to what I could only assume was the room of the Empire Suite and knocked on the door. The exquisite doors opened to reveal a half-naked Declan. He only had his nighttime joggers on. 

"Hey, Angel," he said, as if he was expecting my arrival the whole time.

My eyes traced the contours of his chest before I ultimately flung myself in his arms. I cupped his face with my hands and pressed my lips to his; softly at first, and then a bit more intensely. I breathed in the scent of his pine cologne I missed so much.

I pulled away, my hands still holding his face, and looked at him in the eyes. "I love you, Declan Scott."

He raised an eyebrow. "You flew all this way just to tell me that?"

"Can you think of a better reason?"

"No, I can't," he said softly, dipping his head back down to press his lips to mine. "I love you, too, Angel," he murmured in my hair, as he embraced me.

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