Chapter 31: Declan POV

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It was the next morning. Tess hardly spoke to me last night. At six AM, I was woken by the sound of a bag being thrown around.

Tess had slung her carry on on our bed, and was furiously throwing the small amount of clothes she brought with her back in it.

"Angel," I started to mutter. I was still half asleep. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. You may have to stay another day, but I'm out of here," she replied back.

"Tess, just listen. What happened last night was just my father being my father. He didn't mean to call you a gold digger. He was just upset that he wasn't in control of my life."

"I know where I'm not wanted," she snapped back.

I sighed. She was proving to be difficult. I swung my legs out of the warmth of the blanket, and stood up. I went over to the end of the bed and attempted to wrap my arms around her. She pushed me away.

"Declan, don't," she commanded.

"Tess, just listen to me," I pleaded. "He's always been like that. It's nothing personal."

"Well, it sounded pretty personal to me."

"We can't let it get to us. Otherwise, we-"

She cut me off angrily. "There is no we anymore."

My eyes widened with shock. "What are you talking about?"

"As soon as we are both back, I'm filing for divorce. And believe me, you will be signing the papers."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Just like that, huh? Despite everything we've been through, and the other night when you told me you... you loved me. You're just going to throw it all away?"

"Ever since I met you, you brought nothing but trouble into my life. And I'm sick and tired of trouble," she remarked.

I shook my head. "We can figure this out, Tess. Please. Just give me a chance to talk to him. I can fix this."

She looked up at me with a sad expression in her eyes. "I'm afraid this is one thing you can't fix, Declan," she said in a hushed voice. She grabbed the last of her underwear and piled it on top, zipping up the carry on.

I went over to her and clasp her wrist in my hand. I held tightly and didn't let her go. Her eyes met mine. "I'm sorry," she whispered to me.

A few tears rolled down her cheeks. I used my free hand to wipe them away. I let my fingers linger there. Her skin was smooth and cold.

"You're cold," I told her. "Here, let me warm you up."

I leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers. I was rough, and I let my mouth spread firmly around hers, refusing to let go. She gave in just a little bit before backing away.

She shook her head. "I can't anymore, Declan," she said sternly. I let her pull her wrist free.

She slung the carry on over her shoulder, and disappeared from the room. I listened as the door to the suite slammed shut. I knew she was gone.

I inhaled sharply as I barged through the revolving doors to the building. "Hey, have you seen Bruce?" I asked one of the office ladies on the first floor.

"You just missed him actually. He stepped out to grab some lunch. He should be back soon, though." She narrowed her eyes quizzically. "Is it something that I can help you with?"

I just sighed. "No, it isn't. That's okay. I can wait."

Neither Anna nor Jason were here either. I went to the break room on the first floor and grabbed some coffee. I sipped on the hot beverage, letting it scald my throat.

I waited a full forty-five minutes before I saw him wandering back in. "Hey!" I called out.

My father's head whipped around. "Son, I really don't have time right now. There's an important-"

"I think you can make time," I growled. I stalked up to him. "Now, you listen to me. I don't care who you think Tess is. She's my wife, whether you approve or not."

"When are you going to learn, son? We have to protect the company. That means being careful with who you choose to involve yourself with. There wasn't even a prenup for God's sake! What happens if she runs you dry?"

"Dad, please. For once in your life put what you want aside, and just listen to me. She is not like that. She loves me, and I love her."

My father's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he checked the time on his watch. "I have a meeting to go to. They are trying to get ahold of me," he said, taking the phone from his pocket and reading the texts.

He turned to walk away but briefly paused and turned back around. He studied me for a few seconds before replying to my previous statement, "I really hope that's true."

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