Avataro Donbrothers

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Allies: Jin Momoi, Yuriko Kito, Natsumi Kuramochi, DonKiller Killer, Hurricanegers, Abarangers, Zenkaigers, Kamen Riders, Emiri Sanjyou, Flint Goldsuiker, Yatsude Goshikida, Mitsuko Goshikida, Makoto Tanabe, Ichiko Ono and Tomoko Higashi

Characters: Taro Momoi, Shinichi Saruhara, Haruka Kito, Tsubasa Inuzuka, Tsuyoshi Kijino, Jiro Momotani and Don Murasame 


Kouhei Higuchi

Yuuki Beppu

Kohaku Shida


Hirofumi Suzuki

Raizou Ishikawa

Ayumu Murase

Colors: Pink, Yellow, Red, Gold, Black and Blue

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Colors: Pink, Yellow, Red, Gold, Black and Blue

Device: Don Blaster 

Episodes: 50

Films: New First Love Hero and Avataro Donbrothers vs Zenkaiger 

Location: Cafe Donbura

Mentor: Taro Momoi 

Mentor: Taro Momoi 

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Ore Koso Only One

Don't Boo! Donbrothers

A Battle World

Kimi no Hero

Tsuki Nomizo Shiru


Avatar Party

Shutsujin Don Onitaijin 

Moero Toradoragonjin

Ei-En Festival

Kuusou Dangi

Try It


and more 

Members: 8


Jin Momoi found a child cocoon that was shaped like a peach, and he named him Taro about 21 years later Taro grew up and works at a cafe then monsters that are mysterious, and they are called Hitotsuki who come to take humans inner desires. 

Also, they seek if the humans have spirits of Super Sentai from the past so Taro and four citizens had to stop them for letting that happened. Jin gave them morphers to became Avataro Sentai Donbrothers.

Quote: Heroes unlike those you've ever seen before, these five are based on the Tale of Momotaro as a dog, pheasant, monkey and oni join together to fight against other demons.

Season: 44

Villains: Noto Council, Generals, Inspectors, Executioners, Others, Independent, Grunts and Space Ninja Group Jakanja 

Villains: Noto Council, Generals, Inspectors, Executioners, Others, Independent, Grunts and Space Ninja Group Jakanja 

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Vehicles: Superbike Enya Rideon

Weapons: Sword, Konbou and Unknown weapon

Zords: Don, Saru Brother, Oni Sister, Inu Brother and Kiji

There is ancient prophecy that shared amongst kingdoms of Chikyu that was 2000 years old after the great fall.

There is ancient prophecy that shared amongst kingdoms of Chikyu that was 2000 years old after the great fall

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