Operation Overdrive

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James MacLurcan

Samuell Benta

Gareth Yuen

Caitlin Murphy

Rhoda Montemayor

Dwayne Cameron

Episodes: 32

Villains: Flurious, Norg, Chillers, Moltor, Lava Lizards, Kamdor, Miratrix, The Fearcats and Evil Override Rangers

Villains: Flurious, Norg, Chillers, Moltor, Lava Lizards, Kamdor, Miratrix, The Fearcats and Evil Override Rangers

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Two brothers had a steal the Corona Aurora which is a legendary crown that holds a secret power, but the colorful jewels from the crown were separated so they search around the galaxy to find them. But they were on Earth and the brothers were locked up and if it gets in the wrong hands. In the year 2007 an archeologist named Andrew Hartford found the crown and release the brothers and take over the world.

Mr. Hartford recruit four teenagers to protect the crown and stop the brothers from getting their hands on it, but it was a risk decision for his son become the leader of the team. 

Quote: If I help you destroy the Rangers, the Earth will be yours to plunder for the jewels

Season: 15

Characters: Mack Hartford, Will Aston, Dax Lo, Ronny Robinson, Rose Oritz, and Tyzonn

Allies: Adam Park, Tori Hanson, Kirra Ford, Bridge Carson, Xander Bly

Weapons: Drive Lance, Slammer, Vortex, Claws, Geyser and Detector

Weapons: Drive Lance, Slammer, Vortex, Claws, Geyser and Detector

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Members: 6

Zords: Dump Driver, Speed, Gyro, Dozer and Sub

Colors: Black, Yellow, Sliver, Red, Pink and Blue

Mentor: Andrew Hartford

Mecha: Mercury Morpher

Location: Hartford Mansion

Eight thousand years ago, in Southern China where an empire is consisted into three tribes and one of the members named Dai Shura.

Eight thousand years ago, in Southern China where an empire is consisted into three tribes and one of the members named Dai Shura

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