Power Rangers 2017

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Many years ago, there was a war Zordon and four warriors face against Rita Repulsa who has the power of green crystal, and her plan is betray him and the warriors so she can dominate the universe. The four warriors die and Zordon was the last one but he finds a way to get rid Rita, so she won't use all power coins, so he asked Alpha to create a meteor site to kill him and send her to the bottom of the sea.

Years later, in the Angel Grove High School Mr. Scott dropped his son Jason at school for detention because he got arrested for a prank, so his dad pretty upset, and he told don't know what his son does with his life. So, Jason went inside and meet other students, then he encounters with Billy Cranston who being bullied, and Jason didn't like bullies.

Music: N/a

Characters: Jason Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Trini Kwan and Kimberly Hart

Colors: Pink, Blue, Red, Black and Yellow

Zords: T-Rex, Mastodon, Triceratops, Sabretooth and Pterodactyl

Allies: Alpha 5, Mr. and Ms. Scott, Pearl Scott, Amanda Clarke, Rebecca, Hawkeye, Detention Teacher, Damo, Mr. and Ms. Kwan, Trini's Brothers, Candance Cranston, Ted and Maddy Hart, Ms. Taylor, Captain Bowen, Officer Bebe, Colt Wallace and Tommy Oliver

Quote: Many years ago, a war between five warriors and space witch named Rita Repulsa and the war was over and Zordon had survive but power coins were buried

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Quote: Many years ago, a war between five warriors and space witch named Rita Repulsa and the war was over and Zordon had survive but power coins were buried. Now Rita has return and wants to her minion Goldar, he must five warriors to take her down and save Earth.

Villains: Rita Repulsa and Goldar

Weapons: N/A

Mentor: Zordon


Dacre Montgomery 

Becky Gomez

Ludi Lin

Namoi Scott

Rj Tyler

Elizabeth Banks

Bryan Cranston

Bill Hader

Members: 5

Location: Command Center

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Location: Command Center

Device: Power Coins 

Ancient China, Gedoshu wanted bring fear from the humans until five samurais were trained to take them down.

Ancient China, Gedoshu wanted bring fear from the humans until five samurais were trained to take them down

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