Engine Go-Onger

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Characters: Sosuke Esumi, Renn Kousaka, Saki Rouyama, Hant Jou,  Gunpei Ishihara, Hiroto Sutou and Miu Sutou

Weapons: Saber, Launcher, Bullet, Rifle, Axe and Laser 

Villains: Banki Clan Galark, Normal, Pollution Minsters, Monsters, Mecha and Grunts

Villains: Banki Clan Galark, Normal, Pollution Minsters, Monsters, Mecha and Grunts

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Device: Go-Phone

Zords: Speedor, Bus-on, RV, Birca, Gunpherd, Carrigator, Toripter and Jetras


Yasuhisa Furuhara

Shinwa Kataoka

Rina Aizawa

Masahiro Usui

Kenji Ebisawa

Hidenori Tokuyama

Yumi Sugimoto

Colors: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, Silver and Gold

Allies: Seji, Fui Toujirou, Tree Spirit, Sanae Rouyama, Manabu Yushima, All Super Sentai, Akinosuke, Harunosuke, Wameike and Santa Claus

Vehicles: Ginjiro

Vehicles: Ginjiro

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Episodes: 50

Films: Boom Boom! Bang Bang! GekijoBang, Engine Go-Onger vs Gekiranger, Samurai Shinkenger and 10 Years of Grand Prix 

Season: 29

Mentor: BOMPER

Location: Machine World


Machine World is one of the eleventh dimensions to Braneworlds and different from the rest, which was previously the Human World, then it changes when giant vehicular beings called Engines who went against Gaiark. Now for Gaiark is here to pollute to rule the machine world and three of his minsters had escaped, they thought that Earth would be the perfect paradise for them.

Then six engines picked five people to be their partners and become Go-Ongers so they so they can take down Gairak so the technology and the engines can be safe. 


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Engine Sentai  Go-Onger

Engine First Lap

Turbo Custom

Recycle Custom


G3 Pretty Love

Aero Dynamic

Type Evolution

Bon * Baie Limited

Engine Winning Run

Engine Special Lap

Engine Oh G6

and more

Quote: The Highway star with a full tank of courage! Engine Speedor! 

Members: 7

In 2017, five teenagers find an underground command center and met Zordon to become Power Rangers.

In 2017, five teenagers find an underground command center and met Zordon to become Power Rangers

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