Mighty Morphin

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Jason Lee Scott

Zach Taylor

Billy Cranston

Trini Kwan

Kimberly Harte

Tommy Oliver

Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance, Daggers, Bow and Power Blaster


At Angel Grove it is a calm city with good citizens, five friends were at the gym doing their routines. In the outer space, two astronauts landed on the Moon, and they walk around until they have found this weird tunnel. They open it and a space witch named Rita Repulsa was free and her minions, they plans are to conquer.

But Zordon had a feeling that Rita was coming to Earth, so he called Alpha and told him they need great warriors to stop, he picked teenagers, but Alpha didn't like this idea. There was no other way but to summon human teenagers to become Might Morphin Power Rangers.

In the castle in the sky, Rita Repulsa creates destruction on Earth, meanwhile at Angel Grove Juice Bar there was big earthquake. Everyone was freaking out, but they didn't why there was an earthquake. Then Jason, Zach, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy beam away and headed the headquarters.

Villains: Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Squatt, Baboo, Finster, Scorpina, Lokar and other monsters

Devices: Power Coins

Allies: Farkas Bulk Bulkmeier, Eugene Skull Skullovitch, Ernie, Mr

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Allies: Farkas Bulk Bulkmeier, Eugene Skull Skullovitch, Ernie, Mr. Caplan, Ms. Appleby, and Angela

Vehicles: Radbug and Battle Bikes

Zords: Tyrannosaurs, Mastodon, Triceratops, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Pterodactyl


Portrayed by: Austin St. John, Walter Jones, David Yost, Thuy Tang, Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank

Mentor: Zordon

Episodes: 60

Quote: It's Morphin Time

Colors: Red, Black, White, Pink, Blue and Green

Location: Command Center

Members: 5

You want to play with cards okay but check out these rangers, they are called J.A.K.Q Dengekitai and they are royalty to fight monsters.

Q Dengekitai and they are royalty to fight monsters

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