Super Samurai

6 0 0

Colors: Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue and Gold

Vehicles: War Horses

Episodes: 22

Music: GO GO Power Rangers

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Music: GO GO Power Rangers

Characters: Jayden Shiba, Lauren Shida, Kevin, Mike, Emily and Antonio Garcia

Mentor: Sensi Ji

Allies: Farkas Bulkmeier, Spike Skullovitch, Chad, Noah, Eugene Skullovitch, Cody, Cody's Father, Grand Shogun and Terry Watanabe

Villains: Master Xandred, Octoroo, Dayu, Serrator, General Gut, Deker, Nigtloks, and Minor Nigtloks

Season: 20

Mecha: Samuraizers

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Mecha: Samuraizers

Weapons: Fire Smasher, Hydro Bow, Sky Fan, Forest Spear, Earth Slider, Mega Blade and Shark Sword

Zords: Lion, Dragon, Turtle, Bear, Ape, Beetle, Swordfish, Tiger, Octopus, Bull, and Shark


Alex Hartman

Kimberly Crossman

Najee De-Tiege

Erika Fong

Hector David Jr

Brittany Anne Pirtie

Steven Skyler

Members: 7


The rangers are back but now a new nigtlok named Serrator who comes along and decides to join Master Xandred and help him destroy the rangers. Also, he is the nigtlok that turn Dayu and Deker into Nigtloks a long time and the rangers had learn new skills about the black box. Then a new member of the team come in to help and she is red ranger's sister and the 18th head of the Shiba clan.

A high school student who is a video game champion to a game called Megaranger and his skills and abilities help build a company.

A high school student who is a video game champion to a game called Megaranger and his skills and abilities help build a company

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