Super Dino Charge

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Members: 10

Weapons: T-Rex Smasher, Para Chopper, Stego Shield, Raptor Claw, Tricera Drill, Ptera Saber, Tiatano Saber and Sliver Strike

Colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Gold, Aqua, Gray, Purple and Silver

Quote: Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs. Millions of years later, the Emergems were found, and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly steal them until the rangers finally defeated him. But from the ashes a new threat arose and only the team of heroes can stop him: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.

Episodes: 22

Season: 23

Music: Go Dino Super Charge

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Music: Go Dino Super Charge

Zords: T-Rex, Stego, Tricera, Para, Raptor, Titano, Ptera, Spino, Ankylo, Pachy and Plesio

Allies: Legendary Dino Rangers, Heckyl, Grid Battleforce Rangers, Mr. Wattkins, Burt, Kaylee, Matt Griffin, Britney Baines, Betty and Zach

Characters: Tyler Navarro, Chase Randall, Koda, Riley Griffin, Shelby Watkins, Sir Ivan of Zandar, James Navarro, Prince Phillip III, Kendall Morgan and Zenowing

 Villains: Sledge, Lord Arcanon, Poisandra, Fury, Wrench, Curio, Singe, Doomwing, Outlaws and Grunts

Vehicles: Dino Cycle

Vehicles: Dino Cycle

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Brennan Mejia

James Davies

Yoshi Sadarso

Michael Taber

Camille Hyde

Davo Santos

Reuben Turner

Dan Masgrove

Jarred Blakiston

Clarie Blackwelder

Alistair Browning

Mecha: Dino Chargers

Location: Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum


After the rangers defeated Sledge, now a new villain named Heckyl has taken action so has Lord Arcanon has a way to take down Heckyl and the rangers. But the keeper knows a way taken them both, they need a 10th ranger that would be Sliver Ranger and it won't be the easy thing to find him because he is Doomwing and Zenowing in one body.

Mentor: Keeper

Mentor: Keeper

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Thousands of years ago there was a war between humans and demonic Orgs but the power of Animals had trapped for all eternity until they escape in the Present to take the power of Animals.

Thousands of years ago there was a war between humans and demonic Orgs but the power of Animals had trapped for all eternity until they escape in the Present to take the power of Animals

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