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Mecha: Master Morpher

Villian: Divatox and her crew

Vehicles: Ghost Gallon, Turbo Carts, Senturion Cycle, Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster

Allies: Ms. Appleby, Mr. Caplan, Erine, Doug Stewart, Jenny Hunter, Mayor Carrington, Vicki, Jetson, Bulk, Skull, Jerome Stone


Tommy Oliver

Justin Stewart

Adam Park

Tanya Sloan

Katherine Hillard

T.J Johnson

Carlos Vallerte

Ashley Hammond

Cassie Chan

Music: Shift into Turbo

Music: Shift into Turbo

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Half the rangers are going to graduate, and they have few more days to they leave, if you notice that Rocky is not here it is because in the movie, he was trying out for the karate contest until he flips over too far and broke his back. The rangers didn't know what to do without Rocky and they need a blue ranger on the team. The Blue jeep came downtown in the middle of the night, they thought it was Rocky coming back, but it was Justin, and they were shocked to him. He said, "Guys I'm new the Blue Ranger." 

Over while they were having a blast until the rangers were in trouble and were outnumber, then new friends came to help, and they were brave and smart. So, the rangers had an idea, they have decided to pick T.J., Cassie, Ashley and Carlos to take their place while they were away. 

Zords: Red Lightning, Mountain Blaster, Desert Thunder, Dune Star, and Wind Chaser

Episodes: 45


Jason David Frank

Selwyn Ward

Blake Foster

Johnny Yong Bosch

Roger Velasco

Nakia Burrise

Tracy Lynn Cruz

Catherine Sutherland

Patricia Ja Lee

Ali Afshar

Colors: Red, Pink, Yellow, Green and Blue

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Colors: Red, Pink, Yellow, Green and Blue

Season: 5

Quote: Shift into Turbo 

Members: 5

Dr. Yumeno had create five inventions from his laboratory and these inventions have powers and to create a team called Dynaman.

 Yumeno had create five inventions from his laboratory and these inventions have powers and to create a team called Dynaman

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Power Rangers Yearbook 2Where stories live. Discover now