Mighty Morphin 3

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Rocky DeSantos

Adam Park

Aisha Campbell

Billy Cranston

Kimberly Ann Hart

Katherine Hillard

Allies: Alpha, Bulk, Skull, Ninjor, Dex Stewart, Donais, Zarius, Ferrian, Lt. Jerome Stone, Ms. Appleby, Mr. Capla

Mentor: Zordon

Colors: White, Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink

Villains: Master Vile, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Finster, Squatt, Baboo, Rito Revolto

Vehicles: Shark Cycles

Vehicles: Shark Cycles

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After the horrible battle with Goldar and Rito Revolto, the rangers lost their powers and zords, Kimberly felt responsible for what happen, but Zordon found a way to get new powers and zords. He gave them a map to a place called the Desert of Despair and meet a legendary warrior named Ninjor but when Zedd heard that the rangers were going to the Desert of Despair, he sends his bird minions to stop them.

Before they were in Angle Grove Youth Center enjoying, at good time but over in the back, Bulk and Skull were eating and overheard the girls that like Power Rangers especially the guy.

Bulk had an idea, and he made an announcement, he need everyone's attention, so Skull helped out and accidentally spill smoothie and said, "Hey Bulky has something to say". Then he told everyone "Skull and I have decided to join Angel Grove's Junior Police Patrol" everyone had their mouths open including Skull.

 Zords: Rea Ape, Black Frog, Blue Wolf, Yellow Bear and Pink Crane 

Quote: Ninja Power


White Tiger Ranger

Members: 6

Over 3,000 years The Vader Clan were about to destroy the Denzi Star, which is an island that is on Earth and over the years it became a computer of Denziland. 

Season 3A

Season 3A

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