Dino Thunder

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Quote: All I'm trying to do is give you guys the heads up. Stuff happens out here. Just don't come crying to me when you fall down a giant sinkhole.

Season: 12

Mentor: Tommy Oliver


Power Rangers Roar, Power Rangers Score

Episodes: 38

Members: 5

Zords: Tyrannozord, Tricerazord, Pterazord, Dragozord and more

Vehicles: Raptor Riders, Raptor Cycles, Dino ATVs, Hovercraft Cycle and Triceramax Command Center Truck

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Vehicles: Raptor Riders, Raptor Cycles, Dino ATVs, Hovercraft Cycle and Triceramax Command Center Truck

Weapons: Tyranno Staff, Tricera Shield, Ptera Grips, Brachio Staff and Drago Sword

Mecha: Dino Morphers

Villain: Mesgog, Elisa, Zetrax and more

Allies: Hayley Zitkor, Anton Mercer, Wind Rangers, SPD Rangers, Cassidy Cornell, Devin Del Valle

Location: Dino Lab

Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and White


James Napier

Kevin Duhaney

Emma Lahana

Jason David Frank

Jeffrey Parazzo

Characters: Connor McKnight, Ethan James, Kira Ford, Dr. Tommy Oliver and Trent Fernandez-Mercer


Tommy Oliver was in an island trying to escape and Mesgog sent his monsters to capture him, so he managed to leave but the island explodes, and nobody came out but Tommy. Years later he came to a high school and meet Principal Randall who is actually Elsa. He became science teacher in other words have a quiet life.

Three students came to the Dino lab built underneath Dr. Oliver's house and found Dino gems at first, they didn't what they were until they ran into dino creatures take them to Mesgog. The gems gave them powers like super speed, strength, and shriek.

A Dr. Hoshikawa want to create a green lush world, so he tested a new experiment by growing flowers so he can research on them.

 Hoshikawa want to create a green lush world, so he tested a new experiment by growing flowers so he can research on them

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