it's up to you bella

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"Danielle you're here!" I shout excitedly as I open the front door. She takes a few steps in and gives me a hug "I've missed you so much!!". She pulls away and places a kiss on my lips.

We walk into my house and she takes off her coat, revealing an ocean blue blouse that matched her eyes perfectly. She placed it and her purse on a stool in my kitchen. I had invited her over for dinner tonight and I was making lasagna.

I walk over to the pan to finish placing the pasta and sauce and danielle follows me. She slides her arms around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. "This looks so good, thank you for inviting me baby" she said and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Of course bambina, I love to cook and getting to share it with you is even better" I reply with a smile.

I pull out of her embrace and place the pan into the oven. I set a timer and turn back around to face danielle.

She walks toward me and backs me into the counter. "How was your day?" she asks with a shy smile. "It was lovely bambina, I got to walk Jeff in the beautiful sunshine and then my favorite blonde came over and then we get to have dinner together" I reply. "Ooh tell me more about this blonde" she flirts. "Mmm well shes really really pretty, and her eyes are the most gorgeous blue I have ever seen, and shes so muscular" I continue as I trail my hand up her body.

We hold eye contact for a few minutes before I lean down to kiss her. She deepens the kiss and slides her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily oblige. I smile into the kiss before she pulls away for air.

Before she can reattach her lips to mine I flip us around so I was the one pinning her to the counter. I kiss her jaw and she leans her head back and lets out a quiet moan. Her face blushes red in embarrassment, "Bella that was hot, don't be embarrassed" I whisper before moving back to her sweet spot where her jaw meets her ear.

I trail my arms down her body and tap her thigh before sliding my hands under toned ass to pick her up. She giggles at the movement before I place her on the counter.

I move to kiss her lips again before she pulls away. "Whats wrong bella?" I ask as I run my thumb over her cheek. "I- it's nothing" she says and tries to place her lips back onto mine.

This time I pull away before asking again "Bella I promise it will be okay, what is on that beautiful mind of yours babygirl?". She breaks eye contact and plays nervously with her hands, "I- umm just haven't been with a girl before".

"Oh bambina, it's totally okay and we will go at your pace, and if you're not ready that is completely fine too" I say. I notice her picking at the cuticles around her nails, and place my hand overtop to stop the nervous habit.

"I just thought I was ready but I don't think I am, I'm sorry-" she starts apologizing. "Tesoro, never apologize for not being ready or not wanting to have sex, it is always completely up to you and I will never think any differently of you. I will have just as good of a time with you eating lasagna on the couch and cuddling watching a movie. So please never push yourself unless you're sure you are ready, okay?" I tell her. "Thank you for being so understanding I just-"she begins. "You also don't have to explain yourself to me bella" I say with a quiet giggle.

She smiles at me and places a soft kiss on my lips and then pulls away. "How about you go find a show and I will get some blankets and check the food?" I ask. "That sounds good, thank you again" she says as she hops off the counter. "You also don't have to thank me bambina!" I shout as she walks out of the kitchen. I hear a giggle before I check to make sure my sacred lasagna wasn't burning and then walk to the hall closet to find some blankets.

I grab a couple and bring them to the couch to find danielle starting an episode of NCIS. "Ziva was always my favorite" I say as she turns and smiles at me, "Mine too!" she replies. I walk back to the kitchen just in time for the timer to go off, signaling me to takeout our dinner.

Once we both have a slice of lasagna and a glass of wine I carry everything out to the living room. I watch as danielle is very focused on the episode, not having moved since I brought in the blankets.

She finally turns to look at me smiling at her. "What?" she asks. "Nothing, you're just cute" I reply as I sit down on the couch.

I sit against the arm of the couch with my plate in hand, I pull danielle's back into my front and she places a blanket over her lap. After a couple of minutes she finally relaxes into me.

We both finish our dinner and set our plates down. I tap her arm and tell her to scoot back, to which she complies. She rests her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her torso.

I lift up the hem of her shirt exposing her stomach and start to run my nails over her pale skin. "Is this okay?" I whisper, wanting to make sure she didn't think I was crossing any boundaries. "Yes, don't worry" she said before turning her head to place a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and then we both focused our attention on the tv infront of us.

a/n: I hope you liked this chapter, request from @riverdalelover152 . I also hope you had a good new year and hopefully I will post more often this year but it is so hard to find motivation lol. Anyways if you have any requests I will try to write them, and I hope you have a good day/night!

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