dinner and sunsets

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I walked into the kitchen and stood beside stefania who was at the counter. I wrapped my arms around her and placed my head on her shoulder."Are you done yet?" I asked. She had been working for the last couple hours and I just wanted her to be done so we could spend some time together.

"Hey bambina" she said as she turned to me and kissed my cheek. "I only have one more email to send and then i'm all yours bella, I promise" she says as she focuses her attention back on her laptop.

I leave my arms wrapped around her, and after a couple minutes she is done. She closed her computer and turned to me."Is there anything you want to do tesoro" she asked as she looked at my eyes. "mmm I don't really know, I just want to spend time with you" I reply.

"How about we make dinner together and then we can eat it on the porch or something?" I ask, moving my hand up to twirl a piece of danielle's blonde locks between my fingers. "That sounds wonderful baby. What do you want to make?" she asks.

"I was just thinking pasta" I replied. "That sounds good" she replies before pulling me out of my chair. We walk around the island and she turns on some music while I grab the ingredients.

We made pasta and left it to sit for a bit while I started the sauce. I added everything and left it to simmer before walking over to Danielle who was chopping some lettuce for a salad.

I grabbed her arms and pulled her into me before slowly dancing around the kitchen. My arms draped around her neck and her hands resting on my waist, her fingers brushing my bare skin under my top. We moved around and I sung the words of one of my favorite Italian songs.

As the music faded out danielle moved the necklace around my neck to sit nicely before the next song started.

As the beat picked up she interlocked our hands, pushed us apart, and lifted my arm to spin me around. We both laughed as she pulled me in a dipped me backwards, landing a passionate kiss on my lips.

We continued though another song before I had to put the pasta onto boil. Danielle finished our salad and I finally put the sauce on the pasta and it was done.

I plated our dinner and brought it out to the table on our porch that overlooked an nyc street. Danielle brought out our salad as I stepped back inside to grab two glasses of my favorite wine.

We both ate in a comfortable silence for the first few minutes, just enjoying watching the street below and the food we made.

NYC wasn't always the best but at times I couldn't be more thankful for where I lived. I loved getting to walk around the city, there were countless things to do and places to eat, as well as just being able to sit on my porch and admire everything from afar.

"Bella, your birthday is coming up and I was wondering if there was anything special you wanted to do? Anywhere you wanted to eat or maybe a concert or something?" I asked as I looked at my beautiful girlfriend.

"I think reneé rapp is going to be playing close to here soon, we could go see her?" she replies. "I love her music, that would be so fun bambina! I'll look for tickets" I said before taking another bite of my dinner.

We continued catching up with each other throughout our meal as we hadn't spent much time together this past week.

Once we both finished dinner the sun started to set and we moved over the loveseat on the porch. I sat down pulling danielle into me. She curled her legs under her and rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her torso and kissed her forehead.

We enjoyed the sunset for about a half hour before I noticed danielle start to shiver. "Bambina let's go inside, you're getting cold" I say as I rub my hands up and down her arms. "Mmm but i'm comfy" she said as she closed her eyes and buried her head deeper into my chest. "Come on we can get in bed and get all cozy" I say as I trace her jawline.

I slowly push danielle off of me and stand up. She doesn't move so I bring in a few dishes before walking back outside. I slide my arm under her thighs and the other under her back before picking her up bridal style.

I walk us upstairs before setting danielle on the edge of our bed. "Do you want to take a shower real quick?" I ask. "That's so much effort and i'm sooo tired" she complained. "But you'll feel so much better bella I promise. And i'll help okay?" I reason. "Okay" she says standing up.

We walk into the bathroom, "arms up bambina" I say as I pull her shirt over her head. Next I unclip her bra and place the clothes on the floor. She pulls off her shorts and as I grab two towels from the closet. I took off my sweatshirt and shorts before turning on the water. I grabbed a hair tie and brushed danielle's hair into a messy bun, as it didn't need to be washed because she has washed it this morning.

Danielle interlocked her fingers in mine and stepped into the shower. I gingerly kissed her lips before grabbing the soap and massaging my hands over her body.

We both took our time just being in the moment and showing how much we love each other.

After we were done I turned off the water and danielle grabbed a towel, wrapping it around me before I did the same for her.

We both walked back into our room, I grabbed one of dani's hoodies and a pair of underwear before she grabbed a hoodie of mine.

We brushed our teeth and a couple other things before flipping off the light and walking back to our bedroom.

We both got in bed, me cuddling up to danielle's side. She pulled me close as I rested my head on her stomach. She started playing with my hair before breaking the silence. "I love you so much stefania" she whispered. "I love you even more bambina, and i'm so proud of you. Every day" I replied before lifting my head to kiss her lips.

We shared a moment consisting of sweet nothings and gentle kisses before she turned off the light and I cuddled into her side.

I placed my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around be before we both drifted off to sleep.

a/n: Hiii i'm so sorry it's been so long but school has been a lot and I just haven't had much motivation. Thank you so so so much for 30k reads I literally can't believe it!! I hope you like it and you have a good day/night!!

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