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It was two years and (Y/n) with Soap, Ghost and Konig love grew stronger and Price became a grandpa when she becomes pregnant with three kids and each of them look like Soap, Ghost and Konig and they love them with a same amount of love. Today Alejandro and Price was taking care of the kids while Gaz was out shopping and the boys was playing games while (Y/n) was in her room with a smile and have a notebook on her desk as she was thinking on what she was about to write till it came to her. She wrote She Devil on top and start writing about her life and everything about the Red Room and the girls that she fought with and been with. Then she talked about her family that she made and her love one's like Soap, Ghost, and Konig that stole her heart then wrote her wonderful children that she hopefully they will grow into nice men and find their true love like she did. Just to remember to follow your heart and dreams and they will come true.

The End.


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