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 Price POV.

I watched (Y/N) drove off as I wonder what happened. I mean, I notice lately she is getting more stress about the mission she is on and that's why I ask her to come and live with the boys and I but I can tell I made it worse. I just hope she won't go rogue like last time. I sighed and walk inside as I saw Konig, Ghost and Soap were arguing back and forth about something and this did not please me.

"What the hell is going on?" I yelled as they all stopped and look at me. "Can someone tell me what is going on?"

"These three have been at each other throats when (Y/N) left." Gaz told me and I sighed and look at Ghost, Soap, and Konig.

"What is going on?" I asked, as all three of them did not know what to say until Alejandro step forward.

"I think there is a love triangle going on here." Alejandro said with an arm crossed while looking at the three.

"Look captain we can explain." Soap said as I gave him a stern look and he back down a bit.

"For now, I would like everyone to calm down and take five and get this story right. For now, I am letting (y/n) off the hook for now as I can tell she needs time and space. But right now, get your act together, you three." I told them as they all nodded and I head off to my office.

Once I made it to my office, I sat down at my desk and sighed while running my hands over my face. I sighed and look down at the paperwork till I saw a picture on my desk that have me and little (y/n) the day I adopted her. I smile at the picture before frowning as I felt worried about her safety.

"Oh, my dear, I wish I could help you." I mumbled.
(Y/N) POV.

I made it to one of my safe house and walk in and set my bags down and start setting my stuff up. Turning on the lights as the place light up and it was white. Everything was white, like a white room. Walking in more of the place as I push a button and the walls opened with guns showing everywhere. Many guns are everywhere. I put some of my guns in the empty places, then push the button as the guns go back into the wall as it was now showing the wall. Walking over to the counter and grab the table part and lift it up as shelves after shelves shown knives and daggers. Putting the throwing daggers in their place with my big knife, then put down the table and head off to my bedroom. Turning on the light, the room was red like blood and dark covers on the bed. With a sigh, I place the swords on the wall that have the holders on the wall before laying down on the bed with a heavy sigh. Looking up at the ceiling that is red. Closing my eyes as a flash of Soap and Ghost kisses and then Konig came into her mind as we shared a kiss. Opening my eyes, and look over to the side with a sigh.

"I just need to focus on the mission." I said and sat up and start my training on my own.

Turning on the music that the song Acapella by Karmin came on, start doing weights and running on the treadmill as I kept doing this repeatedly till I used my dummy and start kicking and punching the dummy hard as it tared up a bit. Shooting my guns in the shooting range that was in the basement and using the sniper and shot far from range. Then throws knives at targets, hitting them in the hearts and heads then after some time the day turns into night and I have been doing this none stopped till I got a text from Laswell. She is like a mother to me. I look at the text.

Laswell (mum): Hey (y/n) Price texted me what happened. If you need someone to talk about it, I am here.

I sighed as the text hoping it was a mission, not something that I will cry about like a teenager. I text back as I try to think about what to say to her.

Me: Hey Mum, I'm okay, really just things getting heated with some men, but I will be okay now. I just need some time alone.

I place my phone down and sighed and rolled over and get up, then head to my bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was done with my shower, walked to the room and change into a tank top and shorts then gets into bed. Laying there, I can't help but think about Soap, Ghost and Konig till she thought about her life with them. Maybe a happy one and who knows, maybe when I finished this mission I can be happy. With a heavy sigh, I slowly fall asleep. The next morning I woke up and start making breakfast and drink coffee and repeat something I did yesterday. My phone rang, and it was Alejandro.

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