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(Y/N) POV.

The next morning Soap and Ghost were still asleep, and I woke up and they trapped me in their arms. With a sigh, I slowly sneak out of their grips and crawl out of bed and get dressed. I look over at them and smile softly as I hold back a laughter as both of them move closer to one and another and was hugging each other. Shaking my head, I sneak out of Soap's room and head off to the kitchen. Once I got there, I made myself a cup of coffee and drinks it. Sitting down at the counter with the cup of coffee in my hands, I just look ahead, thinking about last night. It was fun but I don't know who I like more? Ghost or Soap...but I don't know who to go for. With a sigh, she knows she needed to get away from this place and focused on her mission, to stop the Red Room and the leader of the Red Room. His name is unknown for now, but once I know his name, I will find him easily and kill him right on the spot. I grip on my cup as I thought about the poor little girls that are going the same pain as her and treatment. Shaking off the feeling as she saw Koing walked in with his mask on.

"Morning Konig." I said as he looks over and smile.

"Morning (Y/N)." Konig said with a husky voice and I smile underneath my mask.

I watched Koing heading over to get a cup of coffee. I watched him for a bit before looking down at my cup and saw the steam coming from the coffee. I fix my mask so I can take a drink for my cup of coffee, then pull it down as I felt eyes on me and I turn and saw Konig sitting next to me while looking at me. I glance at him, then hurried finished my coffee, then put my cup in the sink and wash it as someone came behind me and place their hands on each side of my hips. I turn around expecting Soap or Ghost but no; it was Konig. He looks down at me with those eyes that every man does when they are in love. I bit my lip and look up at him while kept my stare at him. Konig's face turn red and looks away but still had his hands on my waist. I felt small when he was towering over me and was looking down at me with those eyes of his, and I felt trapped.

"(Y/N)...are you okay?" Konig asked while pulling away and I sighed while looking at him.

"Yeah, why?" I asked as he leans down and came close to my face.

"Just making sure." Konig said while in a quick speed of his he pulled up his mask and pulled down mine and his lips were on mine. My eyes widen and froze there as he kissed me. Slowly kisses back as my eyes closed while his lips were so different from Soaps and Ghost's. They were so soft and pure, like the kiss was very slow and soft. Konig pulled away and pull down his mask as I fix mine. "I have been waiting to do that for some time."

I stood there and was shocked by his words and I wonder Soap and Ghost know Konig has feelings for me. I sighed and lean back on the counter as he moves closer than his hips collide with mine and I can feel how long his cock is from his sweatpants. I place my hand on his chest and shook my head.

"Please Konig..." I said in a whisper.

"Yes?" Konig whispers back while leaning in a bit till someone pulled him back, and it was Ghost and he does not look too happy.

I sighed and stood up more and look at them as Ghost was glaring at Konig and Konig was glaring back. I was not having this drama this morning, so I step in between them with my hands on their chest.

"Okay, you two, no drama please...Ghost we were just talking." I told Ghost so he can calm down but it didn't work.

"Talking? It looks like he was about to kiss. You, that's what I am seeing!" Ghost said in a rough voice but with a little yell.

Konig flinch by Ghost's voice as I kinda did as well. I have never seen Ghost mad before. I sighed and look at Ghost with a glare and he looks back with the same glare but he looks over at Konig more than me. I felt angry about this situation and I walk away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ghost's voice called out with a little anger in his voice and I turn around and look at him with a dangerous glare.

"Away from here! I need some time on my own!" I yelled loud with anger and sadness in my voice as I saw Ghost kinda flinch by my voice while Konig really flinch by my voice. "I am tired, okay?! I need some time for myself! I need to get out of here and keep my mind on my mission!" I yelled as Gaz, Soap, and Alejandro walks in with confusion looks on their faces.

"What is going on here?" Gaz asked with a groggy voice.

"I'm sorry I can't accept people's feelings now. I need to focus on my mission!" I yelled as I felt angry tears.

"(Y/N) what is going on?" Alejandro asked as I look at him and walk over with tears.

"Nothing. I need to get out of here and focus on the mission." I said while walking to my room and start gearing up and grab all my weapons.

Once I have everything, I change into a tight black skinny outfit, then grab my wolf mask and put it on. Grabbing my two swords and put them on my back, grab my sniper gun bag and the bag with weapons in it. Walking out and head to the door as everyone looks at me with worry eyes.

"(Y/N) wait." Soap calls out as I ignore him and head out of the place and to my truck.

"Daughter?" I heard Price's voice as I sighed and throw my bag on the back with my sniper gun before turning around and look at him.

"I am going solo for now. Call me if you need me on a mission or something. I can't be here anymore. I will be at my safe house." I told him and get in my truck and start it before taking off.


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