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(Y/N) POV.
Healing was a slowing progress as the bullet was in there and they have to dig it out so I have to stay off my leg for a week so it can heal alright, lucky they moved me to my room so I can be out of the hospital because I hate hospital. The boys come and visit me twice, mostly Ghost and Soap and Konig. Konig was a very nice guy, just very shy, and I learned he had social anxiety, so he speaks very low sometimes. Konig and I became really great friends while Ghost and Soap visited me sometimes, asking how I am doing and told them I am doing alright. I can tell both of them are holding something back, but they just hugged me and talk to me as I got to know them about them more. Like Soap does not like dogs and Ghost have trust issues but he told me he trusts me so I guess that is a good thing. Today Gaz, Alejandro, Pirce, Ghost and Soap were on a mission for a missile while Konig stayed behind to help me with anything. I was in the living room while Konig was cleaning his guns and I was getting bored and I look down at my leg as it was almost healed and I was thinking of a game. I look over at Konig and sighed as I did not want to bother him but I want to play a game.

"Hey Konig." I said as he stopped on what he was doing and look at me.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Do you need something?" Konig asked as I sighed and look at him.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you would like to play a game with me?" I asked as he put his gun away and move over to the couch and sit down next to me.

"Sure, what kind of game?" He asked in a low voice and I smile.

"Truth or dare." I said with a smirk underneath my ask as I saw him squinting his eyes a little before nodding like he was thinking for a little before agreeing. I moved to get countable and look at Konig as he look nervous like he always does. "Okay Konig. Truth or dare?" I asked, as he thought for a bit.

"Truth." He answers as I smile.

"What do you want to be?" I asked him as he smiles.

"A snipper." He answer and I look at him.

"Really? a snipper? Why don't you do snipping now?" I asked him as he sighs.

"Because I am bad at it." He said as I nodded. "Okay, truth or dare?"

"Truth." I told him as he smiles and look at me.

"Have you sniped?" He asked as I smile.

"Yup, I have my sniper gun in my room." I told him as he nodded.

"That's cool."

"Yeah, maybe I can teach you someday if that is okay with you?" I asked and this brighten his eyes a bit.

"Really? That would be nice." He said, and I smile at him.

We kept going back and forth on truth with no dares and both of us got to know each other more and we are having fun till the others made it back from the mission and I didn't know it was already night out and Konig helped me to my room as I look at him.

"You know, Konig, you're not a bad person to hang out." I told him with a smile as he smiles back.

"Thank you. You are not a bad person to hang out ether." He said as he helped me into my room and I sit down on my bed.

Before I could say anything, Konig pulled up his mask and kiss my cheek and I was shocked and looked at him. He smiles and pulled down his mask. He got up and head out of my room as I sighed and lay down in bed and look up at the ceiling, wounding what was going inside his head when he kissed me on the cheek. Shaking off the feeling, and sighed as I lay there in bed and close my eyes slowly fall asleep. After some time, I was asleep and heard someone walking in my room and I kept my eyes closed. The person slowly moved over to my side and sit down on the side of my bed. I felt them brush my hair out of my face before resting their hand on top of my head. I slowly open my eyes and saw it was Ghost as he was looking away. I smile a bit and move a bit as he turns his attention to me and looks down at me.

"Hey, how was the mission?" I asked him as he hums and leans down as he cup my cheeks in his hand.

"It was okay...how was your time here?" Ghost asked as sighed with a smile.

"That's good and my time here was kinda boring, so Konig and I play truth or dare well, mostly truth." I told him as he hums and look into my eyes.

"So I am guessing you and Konig had a good time?" Ghost asked, and I nodded as I can tell he sounded jealous and I smirk at this.

"Don't tell me you're jealous?" I asked as he look at me and chuckled.

"I guess I am," Ghost said as he reached down and cup my face as I lean into his touched. "I am jealous of all men who look at you. You are very beautiful and I can't help but make you mine one day."

I look at Ghost with wide eyes and a red face as he said that and I can't help but felt like I want to be closer to Ghost but I shook off the feeling and look down at my lap. Ghost saw this and lift my chin and my eyes move up and look at him.

"I mean in (Y/N)...I really care for you and I want to make you mine someday." Ghost said as he took off my mask and I let him as he look at my face. "I love you."

He pulled up his mask and leans in and kiss me on the lips as I was shocked by what he said and I slowly kissed back. Our kiss was soft and gently but yet needy as Ghost gently kissed a little harder but yet show kindness that he is showing his emotion in the kiss. I melt into this and part my lips a bit and wrap my arms around his neck as he moves, so he is on top and has his hands on each side of my head. I pulled him closer as he pulled away and start kissing my neck as I moaned and tilt my head to the side. Ghost kissed and bite my neck as I moaned more and arched my back as my chest touched his as he hums. Ghost pulled away and look down at me with a smile that in his eyes shone with love and lust.

"Get some rest. I don't want to hurt you, as your leg is still healing." Ghost said as I place my hand on his cheek.

"Stay with me tonight. Just hold me close to you as I fall asleep." I told him and he smiles and took off his boots, then come snuggling into the sheets with me.

Ghost wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest as I smile and close my eyes, feeling him kissing my shoulder and holds me close to him. He whispers something that I can't tell before he kissed the back of my neck.

"Night love, have a pleasant dream." Ghost said as I smile with my eyes closed and fall asleep.

Ghost Pov.

I stayed there for a bit until she was fully asleep. I stayed there as she moved and lay on the back while I was still holding her and she had the beauty of an angle. I look at her face till her door open and I look over and saw Soap as he looks jealous in his eyes. I slowly move my arm away from her and stood up, then walked over to Soap.

"What do you think you are doing?" Soap asked in a whisper yell as I roll my eyes.

"Look, I am just snuggling with her. Why do you want to join?" I asked as Soap roll his eyes and glare up at me.

"I normally don't get angry with you Ghost, but she is mine." Soap said, and I smirked underneath my mask.

"Alright, whoever wins her heart gets her, then." I said and Soap did a nod.

"Fine deal, it is a game, then. Who ever wins her heart gets her." Soap said, and I nodded. "But that means you don't have to sleep with her."

"Fine. I will get my boots and leave." I said as Soap look at me before walking out of her room and head to his room.

I sighed and shut the door and walked back and lay down in bed while wrapping my arms around her and pull her close as I lie to Soap; I was not leaving tonight. I was going to stay for the night, then the game start. I smell her scent before closing my eyes and fall asleep.


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