
Start from the beginning

"No tell me, I'll make sense of it."

Juliet didn't meet his eyes again and began hesitantly, "If I was already with someone do you think I'd leave that person for you know the soul of Achilles?"

There was silence between them for a moment, both of them thinking the same thing. Percy knew what the meaning of her words was, and usually he would've blushed and been embarrassed but the words made an empty put open in his stomach.

"Maybe not? Maybe you'd just remain friends with Achilles?" His words were hopeful for both their sakes, he didn't want to think too much about whoever was Achilles.

Juliet huffed and hugged herself, "I don't know, I really don't like not knowing."

Sometime after midnight, Annabeth came up on deck. They were just passing a smoking volcano island. The sea bubbled and steamed around the shore.

"One of the forges of Hephaestus," Annabeth said. "Where he makes his metal monsters."

"Like the bronze bulls?"

She nodded. "Go around. Far around."

Percy didn't need to be told twice. They steered clear of the island, and soon it was just a red patch of haze behind them. They sat on the deck, watching the Hercules constellation rise in the night sky.

"My head is pounding, I'll go below for sometime" Sometime after crossing the forges Juliet announced and made her way to leave, Annabeth patted her shoulder and spoke, "Take a nap, it'll help,"

As soon as Juliet found a hammock and she jumped in and immediately fell asleep. Sleep and dreams came easy.

She was in the sunroom. She hadn't been in the sunroom for a long time now, but after what she had said to Luke about loving her father she had forgiven Apollo, finally understanding his perspective.

But still despite forgiving him, she still hadn't been in the mood to visit him, Clearly her father had summoned her to the sunroom.

"Sunshine," her head swivelled to the left where her father sat, there was a pair of Hyacinths in his hand and his eyes looked upon her with grief, "I've missed my daughter."

Juliet sucked a deep breath in. Sure she had been angry and hurt but he was her dad, someone who'd cared for ever since she was born, someone who'd been there for her when no one was. Of course she'd missed him too.

"I missed you too." Her words came out meek, but it was enough for Apollo to pull Juliet in for a hug.

It was everything she had needed the past few months, the warmth, the love, the emotion of being wanted.

Fuck, she just wanted to be someone's desperate need. Someone's priority.

"You always have me Juli," it was all she needed to hear, "and I'm sorry, that you've got a shitty god for a dad."

"You are a shitty god," she broke the hug giving him a sad glare before adding, "but you are my dad, so I love you."

"I love you too, sunshine." Apollo grinned at her and Juliet knew everything would be alright.

They sat there then, in the sunroom with Hyacinths and flowers from Delis surrounding them, talking about everything they had missed out on, it was peaceful and just like old times when he would visit her as a kid.

"I actually have a bad news," Apollo sheepishly began on the receiving end of Juliet's stern face as he said the line, "You would need to hear the sirens while passing the island."

"For a sun god," Juliet drawls out, her gaze scaring Apollo a little, he usually forgot he was a god infront of his little girl, "Your not very sunny, and usually have a bad news."

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