Chapter 7

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Giana smelled the crispy air, the sound of the birds chirping, the wind blowing against her face before soon transforming into her white Wolfblood. Giana looked around wondering, 'what's going on? am I....' Oscar and Carter both looked surprised and stunned to see the white Wolfblood as Oscar inquired, "Alpha, have you ever seen a white Wolfblood before?." Carter replies, "no never...". Carter was mesmerized by the white Wolfblood saying, "she is gorgeous." Giana felt a sudden pain course through her body thinking, 'I am in a lot of pain.' She transforms back into her human self as she falls to the ground; Carter and Oscar immediately rush over to her as Oscar asks, "are you okay, sis?." Giana looks at Carter who extends his hand to her saying, "that was a nice transformation, over time you are going to get better at it though, alright? You will be able to be in your Wolfblood form for longer." Giana turns to Oscar replying, "I think I might need some chocolate right about now, bro." Oscar and Carter laugh as Oscar remembers a memory from when they were younger; Oscar was finishing his training as Giana was in the kitchen preparing a chocolate cake. Oscar asked, "what are you baking, sis?." Giana replies, "a chocolate cake." Giana baked the cake before slicing it and putting in a plate for Oscar who said, "it smells delicious, Gigi." Giana smiles as he takes a bite saying, "mmmm... yum, I think that whenever me or you have a bad moment and need a pick me up, we should have chocolate for sure." Giana giggles and nods extending her pinkie to make it a promise (end of flashback). Back in the present Oscar says, "I will prepare a special chocolate cake for you, not just for your first shift but also because it's your birthday, sis." Carter asks, "you want to get off the ground, Gia?." Giana turns to Carter replying, "yes please." 

She wraps her right arm onto Carter who holds her waist to gently bring her up however Giana still feels a little dizzy from the transformation and is about to slip when Carter holds gently as she has both her arms around his shoulders. Oscar watches them as Giana stares into Carter's eyes; just then Carter and Giana feel a white surge pass around them like a magical spell. Oscar feels that something has happened as Carter is looking deeply into Giana's eyes intensely. Giana has a smile on her face thinking, 'is this what I think it is.... could it be what I hoped for.....' Carter looks at Giana with a serious look as Giana soon blinks saying, "Carter, I-.... did you feel that? I think...I think you must be my fated mate." Carter's expression felt full of confusion as he gently pulled Giana up and his eyes looked from side to side. He lets go of Giana as he says, "this cannot be true.... this is all wrong." Giana looked stunned as Carter says, "Oscar, we need to talk, now!." Giana says, "Oscar I-." Oscar says, "I will be right back in a second, sis." Giana felt confused by Carter's reaction wondering, 'w-why would he just walk off like that?.' Giana calls out, "Carter!." Soon in the office Carter was pacing left and right as Oscar says, "so it's true, my sister is your fated mate?." Carter replies, "I just... I don't know if she is really.. and if she is then I must-.." Giana has lots of questions as she sneaked to the back of the office behind the wall where she spotted Carter staring out. 

Oscar asks, "are you serious right now? so you are telling me that even thought my sister is your fated mate, you are still rejecting her?." Carter turns to Oscar answering, "Giana cannot be my mate and she cannot be the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack either." Oscar asks, "and why not? what reason could you possibly have against my sister?! do you know that she has feelings for you?! you must be blind to not see that since we were kids." Carter is about to say something as Oscar says, "you know what rejection could do to any Wolfblood, just think for a minute that rejection from you the Alpha could break her." Carter says, "you just don't understand Oscar, she is too young, she is inexperienced, and she just obtained her Wolfblood today." Oscar had an angry expression on his face as Carter sighs before saying, "I think it's time you knew but I have decided to pick Selene to be my chosen mate and the Luna of Silver Moon pack... and my choice is final." Giana was stunned to hear about Carter's decision as she immediately headed to her room. Oscar still felt anger and rage as Carter says, "you must follow your orders, Beta." Oscar nods replying, "of course, Alpha." He slowly walks closer to Carter before soon punching him in the face saying, "DAMN YOU, CARTER!."

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