Chapter 3

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Bellatrix managed to find something as she informed the Rogue King who had an evil smirk saying, "bide our time and soon that power will be mine". Back at the Silver Moon pack Carter began training hard as Matthew prepared him for the future. Carter says, "daddy, I will be ready to one day be the best Alpha for this pack". Clara came over saying, "I know you will son, but you will also have to someone by your side... your fated mate". Carter was confused as Clara explained everything before he says, "whoever the Moon Goddess has chosen for me, I will always be by her side." Giana overheard the conversation as later that night while looking at the sky filled with stars she makes a wish to be Carter's mate. Carter saw her in the garden asking, "what are you doing up so late, Gia?". Giana replies, "just watching the stars." They both laid on the grass staring at the stars as Giana points to one asking, "who's that, Carter?". Carter replies, "that's Polaris, the northern star". Carter teases Giana who giggles playfully as they both look into each other's eyes. Carter soon gets up saying, "it's late, we better get to bed". Clara and Matthew tucked Carter into bed while Melissa tucked in Giana and Charlie tucked in Oscar. Giana says, "mommy, I have something I want to ask you." Melissa says, "sweetheart it's late, you can ask me anything in the morning". Giana kissed Melissa's cheek saying, "Good night mommy, I love you." Melissa says, "I love you too, darling". Melissa fought back the tears before meeting Matthew, Charlie and Clara at the border saying, "I won't let anyone hurt our babies." Later that night there was a massive ambush in which many of the pack members were injured or dead. Early that morning Carter awoke early to find Isaac and Vanessa waiting for him in the living room. Carter asks, "where are my mom and dad?". Carter noticed a familiar face approaching saying, "Ms Denise what are you-". Before Denise could explain anything a loud scream pierced the building as Carter ran out to see Selene screaming over a dead body. Selene cries tearfully, "DADDY! DADDY NO!!!". Oscar and Giana ran out as they soon saw their parent's bodies. Oscar says, "why are mommy and daddy asleep?." 

Giana cries as she bends down to wake her mom up, but Melissa doesn't awake saying, "Mommy I need you; you told me you would let me ask you a question in the morning... I need my reply... wake up! please mommy....". Carter's parents are finally brought in as Carter looks at them with pain and anger in his eyes. Carter kisses his mom and dad saying, "please wake up! I need you both... you can't leave me like this..". Denise says, "we will need to arrange their burial". Carter, Giana, and Oscar both hold their parent's refusing to part however Vanessa and Isaac help them. Selene is still in shock as the next few days the Silver Moon pack prepare the funerals for the fallen members along with Alpha and Luna.  Giana places a white rose on her parent's grave as Oscar comes over and places his hand on her shoulder saying, "sis I won't let any danger ever touch you". They share a hug as Carter comes over saying, "Oscar, Gia you are my family now". Soon after the burial Denise comes to the study and finds a box with the name 'for Carter'. Denise calls Carter to come to the study as she shows the box to him wondering, 'what could be inside this?'. Carter opens the box to find a note along with three wrapped presents; He hands the note to Denise before calling everyone over. Carter hands Oscar and Giana their gifts before Denise asks, "are you ready for me to read this letter, children?"

They all nod as Denise begins to read emotionally, "my dearest children, As you can imagine, this is the most difficult letter for me to write, I wouldn't know where to begin but I think it's time you know the danger that is coming; we wanted to protect you from it but perhaps it is not in our destiny but yours; along with these precious presents I want you all to promise to stay together whatever the future holds. Firstly to my dear son Carter Lewis who will become the Alpha of Silver Moon I believe you will be a fair, loyal and brave leader to protect and also bring peace to the pack, I leave you my keyring to know that you are never alone; the second is to Oscar Holloway I leave you the pocket watch which has your family photo and also the meaning behind this is that this is a family heirloom passed on from your great-great grandmother. Finally, to my sweet and darling Giana Holloway this necklace will always be a reminder that we are never gone and will always be your light... I wish you all good luck in finding your Wolfblood and keeping each other safe from danger. I love you all love your parents". Carter ties the keyring to his trouser whilst Oscar puts the pocket watch in his pocket. Giana ties the necklace around her neck. Giana, Oscar, and Carter share a hug with each other. 

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