san ♤ frat boy (10)

531 35 28

Word count: ±2500


It took one look at the crowd gathered in the club and you remembered your previous awful experience of hiding away from everyone. Perhaps you should have tried harder to block San out of your mind to think of that excuse for Wooyoung.

You watched as Wooyoung marched down the steps confidently with Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho following behind him like ducklings in a row. Seonghwa and Yeosang seemed to both evaluate the situation in front of them. Then, a bunch of whispers passed between them that made you wonder if they were plotting their secret escape.

Perhaps that was a good idea. But right now you didn't even feel like plotting an escape. You felt like you could just make a run for the exit. It didn't matter if Wooyoung saw you leaving.

You immediately turned around to leave. "I should have just stayed at the hotel."

But San grabbed hold of your wrist. Not harshly or forcefully, but gently. "Hey, don't worry, you can relax." He smiled, his grip on your wrist a little tighter now. "I'll show you a good time."

You wondered what his definition of 'a good time' entailed. The possibilities made your cheeks tint pink.

San must have noticed because he chuckled. "Come on," he said, motioning for you to walk with him.

You followed him to the bar area, feeling an awful lot like a lost puppy. You spotted Wooyoung and his ducklings ordering some drinks. You noticed that Yeosang and Seonghwa had also joined them at the bar. There was also another guy whom you could not recognise. It looked like he was friends with Wooyoung, judging by the way they were laughing and talking. Perhaps a friend he did not see very often.

San seemed to tense a little the closer the two of you came to the bar.

"Just stay close to my side," he said. Then, he placed his hand on the stranger's shoulder and greeted him with a smile.


It felt like San's eyes never left you even for a second. There wasn't a moment where you weren't aware of his gaze digging into your skin. And worst of all, he was standing right beside you, making his stare even more lethal.

Gosh, you were so aware of him that you forgot Wooyoung's friend's name right after he had introduced himself to you. What you did manage to remember about the guy though, was that he was an aspiring professional dancer. The rest of it all was blurred out by San's smirking and had his name scribbled all over it.

"So, y/n, do you have anyone special in your life?"

You were caught off guard by the question. Why Wooyoung's friend wanted to know that was completely beyond your comprehension. If it was an attempt to see whether or not you were 'on the market', he ought to be ashamed of it. He had barely met you.

You were still contemplating your answer, fully aware that San was watching you very intensely, when someone else spoke up.

"She has."

Never in your life had you expected to hear those words from Yeosang's mouth. You had to force your mouth shut so that it would not be so obvious that you were beyond shocked. But internally though, you were very thankful for his answer because he had just saved you from having to make up excuses and potentially upsetting San.

Now, the question was whether he had just spoken up to pulverise Wooyoung's friend's hopes, or whether he had said it because he knew more than what he let everyone believe.

Seonghwa tried to suppress a smile. Finally, Yeosang had caught onto things.

Wooyoung, deciding to take upon himself the duty of being even more specific and confirming any suspicions, pointed to San standing across from him.

𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now