san ♤ frat boy (3)

706 30 56

Word count: ±3500


"Where have you been?" Yeosang asked as soon as you and San stepped through the front door. You really hoped he didn't get any wrong ideas, though it was a bit of an unrealistic expectation when San was standing so close to you.

"I went to a local café by myself," you answered. It was the truth after all... Well, only up until the point where San came along and pretended to be your boyfriend taking you out on a date.

"And as I was driving home, I saw y/n walking on the street and it was getting dark, so I picked her up to make sure she got home safely. And here we are," San said, without even a hint of a nervous stutter. You were impressed by how great he was at lying. If you didn't know he was lying, you wouldn't even have questioned a word he was saying. His tone sounded so natural.

"You could've asked me to pick you up, you know," Yeosang said to you, looking at you sternly. "Don't go walking home in the dark again."

"Yes, Yeosang." You sounded like a child who had just been scolded by their mom or dad. "I won't do it again."


You had excused yourself to your room rather quickly after you had come back home. You had to tell Seonghwa you'd eat his stew later, which you felt bad about. But that didn't match up to how bad you felt for hiding the truth from Yeosang. Or rather, half of the truth. You didn't even know why you wanted to keep the events of your evening a secret; why you wanted to hide the fact that you were with San. It wasn't like you had been on a real date.

If only San hadn't interfered with your solo plans.

Still, you were sort of glad that he had shown up. Because, if you had to admit it, you did enjoy your time with him.

You immediately scolded yourself again. You weren't here to fall in love.

Your phone screen lit up.

Unknown number:
See, I told you I've got everything under control. We should go on more "dates" ;)

You rolled your eyes but ended up cracking a tiny smile. If San saw you smiling because of his message right now, he'd never stop teasing you about it. You saved his number before trying your best not to respond in a flirtatious way.

Thanks again for the help!
And it was not a date...
But it was fun, if I have to admit it~

You were still contemplating whether or not you should've added a smiley face in the message when San responded.

You still owe me that kiss tho

Kiss on the cheek*

Second best, but I guess it's better than nothing hehe
Goodnight pretty girl ;)


Pretty Girl. The nickname swivelled around in your mind. You didn't like San calling you that, but part of you wanted to hear him say it again. Was that why you did not protest just now?

You fell back onto your bed, imagining San smirking to himself right now. Then you wondered what Wooyoung would have said if he found San smirking to himself like that. He had been quite snappy towards San after the two of you had come home. Clearly, he was the only one who didn't trust San's report of how he found you walking home in the dark.

But there was nothing you could do about it now, so you got up to head downstairs for a taste of Seonghwa's prized stew before going to bed.


𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now