wooyoung • rebels

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Okay, just a reminder that I do not write smut, but this imagine does get a little steamy. It's not that steamy in my opinion, but if you are under 15 years old, please don't read because it will make me feel uncomfortable since ya'll young ones should still (in my humble opinion) be innocent.

Requested by SnehaRox9985 🦋

P.S. Format change! I will no longer be posting in a specific order, but randomly :)


"Is that Wooyoung guy coming over again today?" Jungkook asked, leaning against the doorframe with a rather unamused look on his face. Your brother had never been fond of the idea of Wooyoung coming over to study with you. You should study alone, you're in university after all, he'd always tell you. Sometimes you really wished you had your own apartment instead of sharing a house with your brother. Things would've been so much easier if you had, but unfortunately you lacked a lot in the sense of money.

"Yes. Why?"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, staring you down like he was about to play the bad cop in an interrogation. You gulped. That look was never a good sign.

"You know I don't like him," he flatly replied, crossing his arms.

"And you don't have to like him, so what? He's my friend. Doesn't that give you enough reason to trust him?"

"I don't trust him. He's too comfortable around you." Jungkook's face contorted into an ugly scowl as a memory resurfaced, reminding him of the time he caught Wooyoung holding your hand even after he instructed him not to lay a finger on you. Of course you waved it off as a friendship thing, which it really was since way before the friendship blossomed into something more.

"Jungkook, he's been my friend since high school. We've been studying together since high school. It's only natural for us to keep studying together and for him to be comfortable around me. You're making a huge fuss of this." Your voice was surprisingly calm compared to how tremulous you felt inside. He couldn't know that you and Wooyoung were actually together and dating.

"Fine, but no funny business. Remember what bad boys are like." He pointed a finger at you to emphasise how serious he was. "I'm going out in 10 minutes."

"Enjoy yourself then," you mumbled, rolling your eyes just as he left. He was so overprotective sometimes that it became an irritation to have him around.

You waited patiently for your dear brother to slam close the front door on his way out. He always did that when Wooyoung came over. Did he even trust you with guys?

"Apparently not," you answered the question that loitered in the back of your mind.

You sighed and picked up your phone. Your fingers dashed across the keyboard as you typed in the digits of Wooyoung's number. It took only two rings before Wooyoung picked up.

"You can come over as soon as you are ready, Woo. Kook is out for the afternoon." Although you didn't sound like you were excited to see Wooyoung (because Jungkook dampened your mood), you were actually dying for a moment to be alone with him when Jungkook wasn't around. If you ever dared to go to Wooyoung's place, Jungkook would, without doubt, become suspicious and overly protective again. And even if you wanted to meet up at a local cafe, Jungkook would always demand to know who you were going with.

You smiled as you listened to Wooyoung telling you how excited he was to see you (even though you saw each other earlier that day on campus grounds). You could listen to his silly blabbering for hours.

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